Why Now?

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Me and my 3 year old daughter were getting ready to head out to the mall. Lucia's dad was Patrick Stump but then before she was born he cheated on me with his ex girlfriend and I left because they had been secretly having sex for 3 months before I walked in on them. Carrying On!, it was Lucia's third birthday and I promised her even though she had no interest on going to the mall because she was 3, I told her we could go to the disney store and she could get whatever she wanted.

"Mommy, this is the best birthday ever!"

She said in her baby voice, she wanted down so I put her down and she was just starting to walk so I watched her as she waddled over to some costumes. I dont know why they would have Fall Out Boy music on the radio its a disney store and they should have like cute fairy songs on but they had fourth of july on and then I blanked out at the memory not watching my daughter as she walked into a stranger.

"Woah there!"

He said helping her up. Then he spotted me and Lucia called me over because she fell on her bum when she walked into the man.

"Lucia! Please honey, stay close. Sorry!"

I said to the man not looking at who it was as I picked her up and placed her on my hip.


He asked, I then looked over at the man and quickly backed away.


I said trying not to cry.

"Who is this?"

He pointed out at Lucia smiling at her as she giggled at him and said hi.

"This is my daughter, Lucia? Say hi to Mr. Stump!"

"Hi Mr. Stump, wait!"

I then looked at her confused then I relized what I had done.

"Lucia Stump! Mr. Stump?"

SHe was definitely working something out and I just laughed at how smart she already was.

"This is the little cutie I helped create?"

He asked. I then looked back at my daughter who wanted down. I didn't put her down because I was scared.

"Lucia? I think its time to go, c'mon we will buy your birthday present and then get out of here."

I said in a little panic but then she tried to get out of my arms so I put her down and she said goodbye to Patrick and took my hand and wanted me to look at the costumes with her.

"Ashley, wait!"

He said, Lucia then stopped and held my hand, she was very patient.

"Patrick I- I cant see your face, you put me through too much misery."

"I am so sorry, please let me back into your life? I love you still Ash and Lucia needs a father!"

"Patrick, I-I cant do that. Your right Lucia does need a father and I will wait until I find the right man that would never cheat on me with his ex girlfriend!"

I started to raise my voice and he looked at me pleading for forgiveness but it just made me mad, Lucia was fine without a father anyways. I then shook my head and walked away.


I heard him cry my name, then Lucia let go of my hand and ran upto Patrick and gave his legs a hug goodbye, I then turned around to see her so happy that I quickly paid for the costumes and the stuffed animals and then picked Lucia up without looking at Patrick.

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now