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My boyfriend just broke up with me and I didn't know what to do, my only friend, Patrick was on tour and I was all alone. My Parents on holiday without me and my older brother at his girlfriends house, I had NO clue what to do with my life anymore so I decided to end it knowing I was going to regret it, I got out my phone knowing Patrick wouldn't be able to see my message because of the different time zone so I just messaged him.

"Patrick! my life is a total wreck right now, my boyfriend just dumped me and your gone and I am all alone feeling really sick and miserable. Im sorry it ended like this when you are out of town and not here to hold me but I cant deal with it anymore I am so sorry. Please try and forget me so you dont have to feel the pain of a loved one passing but I, I just cant. I know I just got out of a relationship but I love you, Like LOVE YOU! But I know you would never feel the same so I guess this is our last goodbye.

Lots of love -Ash!"

I then not thinking of checking my phone, I got up from the couch and walked into my bathroom. My brother had to take pills for some stupid reason but know they came in handy. I heard my phone buzzing off going mental but I couldn't back away now, I opened the lid and looked at myself in the mirror, I then tipped the whole thing in my mouth then knowing I could never even swallow one pill cause it would get stuck down my throat but this is good, I then waited a while before I felt it kick in and then fell backwards hitting my head on the tiled floor, passing out I dropped the empty container and shut my eyes knowing my head was bleeding because I could feel the blood run down my neck.


Patrick's POV

"Guys I have to go I am so sorry!"

I told the band, Ashley had just messaged me and I could feel tears running down my face, I loved her so much, I HATED her boyfriend because he was a total dick to her and know she messaged me and I had to go, I tried to call her so many timed but never got a reply.

"W-w-wait, so your going to leave us here and your fans without the lead singer?"

"Pete! My best friend just commited suicide!"

I yelled at him and started to cry, I then saw his expression change and he nodded and got me out of the bus and into the cab.

"Thank you so much here!"

I said to the driver, I then ran into her house because it was unlocked. I ran upstairs into her room and she wasn't in site so I ran into the bathroom and the first thing I saw was her head bleeding and rolling out of her hand an empty bottle of pills, I then saw her lifeless body on the ground and I yelled at her trying to wake her up, she was just a tiny bit warm so I could save her. I then picked her up and ran the bathtub, getting in with her not caring in still in my clothes. I put my fingers down her throat trying to make her gag and vomit them up.


I cried then heard her cough, I then held her close and saw my hand was full of vomit and pills and in the other hand was filled with blood from her head, I loved her so much that I kissed her forehead and pulled her weak body onto my lap.


She sounded very weak but I could hear her.

"Why would you do this? I love you so much Ashley!"

"I-I love you too and I am so sorry!"

She then kissed my lips and then I kissed back, I got her out and got her to take her clothes off and I gave her my woolly dressing gown to change into. She then called out for me as she could not get down the stairs, I took the first aid kit and picked her up then placed her on my lap and fixed the back of her head, it wasn't bad enough to go to the hospital so I fixed it up myself and when she laid back I kissed her neck and hugged her tightly. I told her I was never EVER going to leave her site again and I told her I was so sorry then we started to date and I took her back to the tour bus so she was safe.

"I love you babe!"

"I love you too Stump!"

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