73- The Race Against Time

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"Why are you smiling?" She questioned, trying to get a glimpse of what he was so busy looking at. Hearing her voice, and feeling her warm breath close to him he locked his phone away quickly. Shoving into his pocket. She folded her arms across her chest, not looking very happy or satisfied.

"I'm still angry." He said just before she could spit out the irritation through her voice for once. She huffed, putting her hand up in the air only to drop them down, hitting her thighs. Hearing a little, defeated 'yeah right,' he gave her a smirk, this tiny lopsided smile.

The line slowly kept moving forward, Kiaan just couldn't wrap his head around why on earth would she want ice cream in such a windy weather. By now Jaanvi was sure of one thing, Kiaan knew thw weather of New York better than she did. She wrapped her hands around her bare arms, slightly rubbing them as she exhaled lightly.

He rolled his eyes, giving him another reason to get annoyed with her. What's the point of bringing the hoodie if you wouldn't carry it around with you? Pulling it over his head in a swift moment, he passed the warm woollen black sweatshirt to her. She wanted to argue but he left no room to argue with his stern look.

"What are you? Edward Cullen?" She joked, once her sleeveless arms were covered with the large sweatshirt, she pulled her hair out from underneath the sweatshirt, pushing the few strands away. She saw how he wore a light green shirt, it looked incredibly thin.

Kiaan walked away from her, leaving her all confused with her jaw touching the floor. I was only a minutes late. Why is he dragging the issue? He walked away from the tree covering them, standing under the sunlight for a split second, just locking his gaze with hers.

Ok? Her husband walks back to her with full attitude, almost like doing a ramp walk with only a smug smirk playing on his lips as he kept approaching her. Standing facing her, he said "Guess I'm actually twenty-seven unlike the--" he took his phone out, checking the date. Seeing the date brought him such a delight look on his face, smiling pleasingly. "December second, still twenty-eighteen, which leaves us to Edward Cullen celebrating hundred years of becoming a Vampire."

Her mouth stayed open, trying to process his sentences into her brain. Twenty-eighteen makes Edward hundred year old? Wait. That means Damon and Stefan Salvatore are older than Edward! Oh my god! Elena was with two of the oldest Vampires in the world-Tv world. She, like always, went into her own little world leaving Kiaan on Earth. "Oh and this time Bella is also a vampire. With paler skin, if that possible? Red eyes. Oh, and now her daughter is probably married to that Jake boy."

"Jacob." She corrected it, quickly and curtly earning an arched brow from him. Jaanvi replied, missing out the whole information about Bella expect at the mention of the Wolf boy. After all, she liked him and hated Bella for a split moment for hanging the poor guy. Heart broken. Oh, wait. But didn't Taylor Lautner break Taylor Swift's heart? Whatever way it was, one Taylor's heart broke. She laughed at her own thought, "I'm weird."

"Yeah. Totally. Unfortunately." He agreed glancing at her with the -are-you-ok-look.

"Shut up." She smacked his arm playfully. "Imagine dating someone with the same name as you?" His mouth turned into a confused 'what?' What's the point? He thought, earning a sigh from her. "Tubelight." She muttered under her breathe, moving forward in the line.

"What did you just say?" He demanded, glaring at her.

"Nothing." Came her soft, quiet voice. Barely audible. "So the wolf gu-Jacob from Twilight, his real name is Taylor and he dated Taylor sw---"

"Why does this matter?" He questioned, not getting the point.

Not happy with how he cut her off not letting her finish of she replied, "And who cares how old Edward is?"

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