4 - Barcelona, Spain

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Warning: this chapter contains mentions of drinking alcohol and partying. The drinking age in Spain is lower than the USA, so it's not illegal.


Travelling from Madrid to Barcelona, the group were thinking of plans for that same night.

Marlon was the one to make the suggestion, "Ya know, Barcelona is well known in Europe for clubbing and having a good time."

Violet raised a brow in suspicion, "Is that a good idea? We only just arrived here."

Clem clapped her handing, and giggling in anticipation. "I say we do it." She cheered.

"I guess it could be fun. We've always had house parties, so going to a club could be fun." Louis shrugged.

"Is that even legal though?" Violet asked, feeling sceptical.

Marlon was the one to answer her wary question, "Yeah it is. Spain's drinking age is 18, unlike the USA."

Sighing, the blonde girl agreed "I guess it's decided then."

Perhaps not the smartest idea, but it was decided that the group would go partying that same evening. Huge hangover plus lack of sleep might not end well.
But what better way to start a summer adventure, than with some partying in a new place?

Within the last few hours, the group have made it to the hotel in Barcelona, unpacked a few things and found some places to eat for the next few days.
Currently in her room, Clem decided to give AJ a call and see how he's doing.

There was some ringing on the line, before the young boys voice came through. "Hello?" He spoke.

"Hey. How's it going goofball?" The girl asked, wanting to sound upbeat even though still feeling tired.

"Clem! I was wondering when you would call." AJ spoke, sounding slightly sad.

Beginning to feel guilty, Clem responded "Sorry, I've been busy with the whole travelling thing. How's dad?"

AJ nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "He's ok, slightly stressed with work still."

Clem felt her heart sink slightly at the information. She knew that Lee had been forced to take time off work, due to illness. But, that then meant his wages stopped too, for a short while. Having kids also put a strain on that, waiting to give them the best but simply not being able to afford it.

Sighing to herself, Clem came up with a simple idea without relying on anyone else. "Tell dad that I'll send over any money left in my account by tonight. It's not much but should get you all through the week."

"Okay Clem. Tell Louis that I say hi!" Her brother spoke through the phone, sounding more happy.

Clem giggles and spoke, "Will do, goofball. How is Tennessee doing?"

"He's doing good, I think anyway. What's it like being in the sky?!" AJ squealed with a high amount of excitement.

"It's really cool. But it can be scary when going into the clouds. I'll take you somewhere on a plane, one day." The older sibling spoke with fondness, thinking about the future.

Adventures of Summer | Clem x Louis Fanfic [College AU] [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now