Chapter 29

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The air was the thick. The guild member stood by, helplessly, as they watched the beloved Celestial Mage fight their treacherous ex-guild member. Natsu kept banging his fists on the dome, hoping that it would break. He knew his wife was strong and smart, exceptionally smart, but that didn't mean he had to sit by and watch as his most beloved treasure fight for her life.

"Don't worry Natsu, I got this covered" Lucy smirked before she charged towards Lisanna, with her whip ablaze.

"I will enjoy watching you bleed to death" Lisanna evilly smirked. This angered Natsu even further.

"In your dreams!" Lucy seethed.

Lisanna used her cat-takeover and jumped in the air. Lucy slid out of her aim and used her whip to crash her to the ground. Lisanna screamed in agony.

She quick got up and started to punch and kick. Fortunately, Lucy dodged every one of her attacks. Lisanna was too busy attacking; her defence was down. While distracted, Lucy took the opportunity to punch her in the stomach, hard. Lisanna keeled over, clutching her stomach. Lisanna committed a tactical error, with her guard down; she didn't see the high-powered 'Lucy-kick' that was headed to her face.

Lisanna went flying, slamming her back against the invisible barrier.

"I am never underestimating Bunny-girl's strength ever again," Gajeel muttered. Levy quickly smacked his arm.

"Lu-chan was never weak!" Levy defended her friend.

"Come on Luce, you can do it!" Natsu cheered.

Back in the dome, Lucy walked up to a defeated Lisanna. She kneeled down to her level. Lucy held in her hands the power to end Lisanna right then and there.

"Lisanna, was it all worth it?" She asked her. Lisanna just glared at her.

"You forfeited the love of your siblings, and of the guild, for what? For some childish obsession?" She asked.

"You took everything from me! You bitch!" Lisanna yelled.

"How did I do that? Did I continuously whine, or kick and scream for attention? Was I that one who used dark magic to make everyone turn against you?" She asked.


"You were surrounded with love all your life. You took it for granted. You couldn't just let people be happy; you had to have all to your self. Look where it as gotten you." Lucy finished.

Lisanna spat in Lucy's face.

"I could finish you off, you know. I can simply use my whip and channel a spell through it that would burn you to a crisp. There would be nothing left of you to bury." Lucy wiped the spit off her face.

"What's stopping you?" Lisanna taunted.

"I am better than that. I have a soul. You may think of me as some spoiled princess but you have no idea of the hardships I lived through. You have no idea of the life I had before the guild. I chose to not let that hold me back. I chose to love and forgive and let go of the hate." Lucy dropped her whip. She wasn't going to kill Lisanna. Her heart was too pure and was against taking a life. No matter how vile.

As she was about to get up, Lisanna lunged at her. She was straddling her waist. Lucy was struggling to get her off her. Lisanna went in for the kill. She slashed her chest with her claws. Lucy screamed in pain. Lisanna laughed maniacally.

"Noooooooo! Lucy!" Natsu yelled.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance. Now you are going to die and once I am done with you, your precious child is next," Lisanna laughed. This enraged Natsu. No one threatened his family. NO ONE!

On the run [Completed] (Fairy Tail Fanfic) NaLuWhere stories live. Discover now