Chapter 7

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The sun was shinning brightly outside their bedroom window. Lucy was sleeping soundly, her head lying on Natsu's muscular chest. His arms were tightly wrapped around her. Suddenly, Lucy began to stir awake, this only caused Natsu to tighten his hold on her; his arms were like a vice grip.

Lucy needed to get up and wash up.

"Natsu, wake up!" She whined

"Hmm, I don't want to get out of this bed, can't we just stay here forever?" He grumbled. His grip on her was loosening.

"Natsu, I know, trust me, I don't want to leave either, but we have to do this, not only for our friends, but also for us" She sighed.

Natsu sighed in defeat. Just as she was about to get up from the bed, he lunged at her and pinned her on her back. He figured that they both needed to have a little fun before all hell broke loose. Lucy seemed to need this as well; she happily sighed when he kissed his mark on her neck.

It was a long morning for them couple. After showering and having breakfast, they headed to the guild. Lucy had a light breakfast, not really able to stomach anything. This whole ordeal was making her nauseous. Natsu was running the plan by Happy and Lucy. Neither of them really wanted to see their guild members right now. Yes, they were family, but right now, they weren't themselves and they were bracing themselves for the worst.

Once they reached the guild doors, they heard what sounded like a party. Natsu raised his eyebrow, not knowing what to think about that, then again, he had to brace himself for anything. Before pushing the doors open. He looked to Lucy one more time, quickly pulling her to him and planted a heated kiss on her lips.

"Whatever happens in there, just know that I love you" Natsu whispered

"I love you too Natsu" She whispered back.

All three took deep breaths and Natsu finally pushed the doors open.

Once inside, the guild members stopped the party and they all stared at the two; there was a dead silence.

Makarov was silently observing from the 2nd floor.

The silence was finally broken when Lisanna came running to Natsu.

"Natsu! You finally found that bitch! Finally we can have justice for what she did to me!" She cheerfully stated. She wrapped her arms around him, only for him to step out of her grasp.

"Natsu! That is now how you treat your girlfriend!" Erza glared at him.

Natsu stared at her quizzically; he figured that she spun more lies.

"For the last time, Lisanna and I are NOT together. WE WILL NEVER BE!" He yelled. He was about to snap. Lisanna just glared daggers at her. She raised her hand and quickly dropped it.

While he was being distracted, he failed to notice Mira, in her Satan Soul, lunging for Lucy. By the time he turned around, she was pinned against the wall; Mira had her claws wrapped around her neck and she was squeezing, hard.

As he was about to run to Lucy's aid, Elfman was holding him back. Natsu was struggling to break free. His eyes widened when he saw Erza walking towards Lucy. She pulled out her sword and pressed it against her neck.

Lisanna came up to him and brushed her finger along his cheek.

"Natsuuuu, why her? Why don't you love me? After everything I did for you?" She purred. Natsu struggled to break free, he was beyond furious.

"Lisanna, I am fed up with this sick and twisted fantasy you concocted in your demented mind! I never loved you, and after what you did, I will NEVER forgive you! You make me sick!" Natsu snarled. Lisanna was taken aback by his words and his tone.

Her face contorted and she smirked evilly.

"KILL HER!" She yelled.

"LUCY!" he roared. He'll be damned if he looses her now.

Natsu was enraged. He burst into flames and he set Lucy on fire, knowing that she is now immune to his fire. This allowed Mira to loosen her grip and both she and Erza had to step back.

Loke suddenly appeared. Natsu ran to Lucy, making sure she was ok. As the other guild members prepared to attack, Natsu created a wall of fire, giving them enough time to escape. Loke brought them both to the Spirit World.

Once they were given the proper clothing to be able to survive in his world, Loke brought them to meet with the other Spirits and the Spirit King.

Upon arrival, they were surprised to see Sabertooth members Yukino, Sting and Rogue.

Yukino quickly ran to Lucy and hugged her.

"Lucy, are you ok?" Yukino was worried.

"Sting, Rogue, Yukino, what are you doing here?" Natsu couldn't help but be suspicious.

"Natsu-san, we heard what happed from Libra and we came to offer our assistance" Sting answered.

"Natsu, we are sorry for what you and your mate are going through," Rogue added.

Lector and Frosh were consoling Happy.

"I decided to have all 12 Zodiac Spirits assist with this situation, so I requested Yukino's presence and well, her friends wouldn't let her come alone" the Spirit King intervened.

Their reunion was cut short when they heard a shriek.

"Lucy!" Yukino yelled, Lucy had collapsed and was unconscious.

Natsu quickly ran to her side trying to coax her to wake up. Virgo intervened and inspected her. Virgo picked up something strange.

"Natsu-san, how long has Lucy been feeling like this?" Virgo inquired.

"What? Feeling like what? What is wrong with Lucy?" Natsu was frantic

"Answer me! Has she been feeling tired all of a sudden, nauseous?" Virgo was getting annoyed.

"Yeah, but that's because of all the stress she's been going through" Natsu has no idea what Virgo was getting at.

"Natsu-san, Lucy-sama is pregnant!" Virgo stated.

All three dragon slayers and Yukino's jaws dropped.

On the run [Completed] (Fairy Tail Fanfic) NaLuWhere stories live. Discover now