Chapter 8

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Makarov saw everything that went on in the guild. He saw how Lisanna behaved when seeing Natsu, Lucy and Happy walk into the guild. He saw how everyone's mood shifted. He saw how Mira attacked Lucy and how Elfman detained a helpless Natsu. He saw how Lisanna tried to break them both.

Once they escaped, everyone reverted back to their usual selves, completely not remembering the events that transpired just moments ago.

He was utterly disgusted. On the upside, he was able to get more information on the potion Lisanna used on his brats. The behavioural pattern gave him helpful clues. He noted everything down and gave his notes to Panther Lily. Lily and Makarov exchanged knowing looks before the exceed flew away.

Makarov made sure no one saw him. He was playing the fool. He needed to be inside man in this operation otherwise, he would never get his kids back.

Makarov reflected on what had happened to the once sweet and innocent Lisanna. Before her "death", she was cheerful and loving. When it came to a certain dragon slayer though, things were always a bit strange. She would come off needy at times. When they were kids, he overhead her asking Natsu if he would search for her if she ever disappeared. Who asks that?

Lisanna always wanted a family. Sure the one she had was amazing, but she missed her parents. She vowed to herself that when she became a mum, she would make sure her family would happy. When Natsu came to the guild that day with Happy's egg, something snapped inside and automatically saw Natsu as her provider and Happy as her baby.

Natsu never knew what to say to her. He would blush of course, only because he felt embarrassed and didn't know how to turn her down. That was a problem many had at the guild; it was always difficult to turn her down for anything. She always had a way of getting what she wanted, most of the times. She was the youngest member at the time, and she was still seen as the baby of the bunch.

Makarov had a hunch that something happened to her in Edolas, otherwise, he believed she wouldn't have become what she was now. He had no idea that her time there only fuelled her obsession.

Lisanna experienced quite the culture shock when she woke up in Edolas. Once she found the "guild" she was surprised to learn that her counterpart has died. The members were ecstatic to see that "their Lisanna" was back.

She liked it more there; the members were more doting. She noticed how the members were quite the opposite of their Earthland counterparts.

When she met the Edolas Natsu, her heart stopped. She fell even more madly in love with him. She was charmed by his personality. He was much sweeter, smarter and she found his shyness adorable. When she learnt of his relationship with Lucy Ashley, she was crushed. She grew jealous and inwardly hated her for "stealing what was hers". She would get sick to her stomach when she would catch them innocently holding hands under the table. One night, when leaving the guild, she saw them making out in his car. He looked so dominating by the way he was kissing Lucy. For a moment she imagined that it was her being kissed like that by him. Her heart shattered when she was brought back to reality. At that moment, she vowed that if she ever got back to her real home, Natsu would be hers.

When she was returned to her real home, she was ecstatic to be reunited with her real family. She was relieved to be back with Natsu. When she learned of Lucy and how everyone loved her, she couldn't help but take a dislike to her. She was supposed to be the star of Fairy Tail, not Lucy! She always held up the friendly façade though. She didn't really think much of the blond bombshell. From what she gathered, Natsu was still single and Lucy never really expressed any interest in him. So according to her, he was free game.

Boy was she wrong!

When he finally mustered the courage to turn her down, at the Grand Magic Games to add insult to injury, she was mortified. She was publicly humiliated and embarrassed. She couldn't believe he did that. How could he be so thoughtless?

When she noticed the tender moment between him and Lucy, she vowed revenge. She was supposed to be the one with the faire tale ending. She was supposed to be the princess and he was supposed to be her knight in shinning armour. In her mind, she was the burned lover in this mess.

She blamed Lucy for this. She made herself believe that Lucy was the one who tricked Natsu loving her. That Lucy used some sort of spell on the guild. Lisanna would make up anything in her head to convince herself that what she was doing was for the good of the guild.

In her head, she had to rescue him and the guild from Lucy's "treachery".

Makarov had no idea what went on in her mind or what went on in Edolas. He believed that she was blinded by love. He thought to himself though, did she really love Natsu? Did she know what love meant?

He believed that she didn't. Otherwise, she would want him to be happy with the one he chose. She would have learned to move on and meet the true love of her life. If she knew about love, she wouldn't have done this to the guild.

He still debated on whether involving the Magic Council. He couldn't forgive her actions, but that didn't mean that he shouldn't try to rescue her from her madness.

Once locked up his office, he left through his secret passage, heading into the forest.

No one even knew he was at the guild that day.

On his way to the medicine woman's home, he finally decided on consulting with the Council.

On the run [Completed] (Fairy Tail Fanfic) NaLuWhere stories live. Discover now