Chapter 27

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Natsu had just settled into the bed Lucy was currently sleeping in. He was just about to doze off when a loud scream startled him up. Not only that, but Ryu woke up as well, crying his eyes out. Natsu jumped out of bed and quickly went to his son. He picked him up and started to gently rock him back and forth, trying to calm him down.

"Hmmm, what's going on?" Lucy groggily said.

"Luce, you're awake. Sorry about that, I guess that they are still celebrating our little guy's arrival downstairs," Natsu chuckled.

"Natsu, bring our son over to me, he might be hungry" Lucy had her arms stretched out.

Natsu walked over and her and sat beside her before handing over Ryu to her. As she was feeding him, Natsu couldn't help but be in awe. He was a father. Lucy was a mother. In her arms, she held the life they created together.

"Luce..." he whispered.

"Yes, Natsu?"

"Thank you" He pecked her lips

"What for?" She giggled and she was patting Ryu's back.

Before he could answer, Romeo stormed into the infirmary. Thankfully, Lucy had just finished covering herself up. Romeo looked out of breath and had a startling look in his eyes.

"Natsu-san" he said loudly, this startled the baby again.

Natsu rushed over to the boy while Lucy tried to soothe their son.

"What's wrong Romeo?" he asked.

"Doranbolt is downstairs." Romeo said.

Upon hearing those words, Natsu got a sick feeling in his stomach. 'This can't be good' he thought. He looked to Lucy; she had a worried expression on her face. She gently put Ryu down in his crib and put her robe on. Once she fastened her belt, she picked up her son and walked towards her husband.

"Why is Doranbolt here, Romeo?" she gently asked.

"I think it's best if you two came downstairs" Romeo said and walked out. The couple followed him out of the infirmary.

Once in the main hall, they felt the thick tension in the air. Master was furious. In fact, everyone looked pretty angry.


"HOW CARELESS DO YOU THINK WE ARE?" Doranbolt shouted back. He couldn't help feel insulted by Makarov's tone.

"What's going on Gramps?" Natsu interrupted.

Everyone turned to look at the couple. They all looked uneasy. Levy and Mira rushed to Lucy's side. They had a feeling she would need support after they heard the devastating news.

Makarov closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Natsu, Lucy you both may want to sit down" he tried to brace them before all hell broke loose.

"Not before you tell me what is going on!" Natsu was becoming agitated.

"There is no easy to say this boy but it seems that Lisanna has escaped," Makarov closed his eyes, waiting for Natsu's reaction.

"What?" Lucy gasped and she began to shake. Natsu was furious and his fists burst into flames.

Ryu sensed the tension and began to cry. Natsu immediately calmed down and went over to his wife who was beside herself with anger. He coaxed her to sit down and he took Ryu from her in hopes of calming down their agitated son. Once her baby was safely nestled in Natsu's arms. She got off her seat and stomper over to Doranbolt. She slapped him hard across the face. Everyone was shocked.

"How?" Lucy said.

"It was feeding time and when the guard came to bring her food, he found her unconscious. He didn't think to call for help, so he decided to open her cell and go in and see what was wrong with her. He misjudged her. He let his guard down. When he didn't return to his post, I went looking for him. I found a food tray outside her cell. I ran over there, when I got there, the guard was unconscious and she was nowhere to be found," Doranbolt had a sombre look on his face.

"I thought those cells blocked out magic," Gajeel said.

"They do, she must have knocked him out. When the coast was clear, she probably used her magic to escape" Doranbolt deduced.

"This is unacceptable!" Lucy shouted.

"There is something else you need to know," Doranbolt said nervously.

"What?" Erza walked up.

"She knows about the child" The room silent

Lucy was trembling in anger. Lucy lunged at the man and started punching him. She was furious.

"How could you let that happen? That psycho is now after my son! We trusted you! It took both Gray and Gajeel to pry her off a beaten and bruised Doranbolt. Macao helped him up and Wendy rushed over to heal his wounds. When Lucy was mad, she was a force not to reckon with.

Natsu was trying to keep calm, he was holding his newborn son in his arms and didn't want to hurt him.

"Lu-chan, please calm down", Levy tried to calm her.

"I will not calm down. Natsu and I have been on the run for almost a year now. We have a son; I refuse to run any more. We will not live our lives in hiding, constantly looking over our shoulders. My son deserves a better life. WE DESERVE A BETTER LIFE!" Lucy was heaving in anger.

"She is right, if that bitch wants a fight, we will give it to her. She should have known better than to mess with us" Natsu got up and walked over to her. Lucy took Ryu from him; he wrapped his arm around her shoulders in a protective way.

"So what's the plan?" Gray asked.

"We wait, I have a feeling that Lisanna will be here shortly" Lucy said. Lucy went back upstairs with her husband and child. The guild members were left in the main hall, all surprised by Lucy's sudden change.

"She has gone into full on Mama bear mode" Cana remarked.

The guild members began to prepare for any impending attacks.

She called upon Cancer and Virgo to help her change. Loke and Capricorn came through their gates. All four spirits were informed of the new developments. All six devised a plan to protect Ryu. He was only a day old at most; it was too soon to expose him to battles.

In the woods nearby, a cloaked figure was looking at the guild, smirking.

"It all ends tonight. Enjoy your time together little family because your time is coming to a close"

A maniacal laugh echoed in the night air.

On the run [Completed] (Fairy Tail Fanfic) NaLuWhere stories live. Discover now