Chapter 14

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Makarov and Laxus had a lengthy meeting with the Magic Council. The final conclusion was that Lisanna was now deemed a dark mage and a warrant was out for her arrest. Makarov already assumed that would happen but it still pained him nonetheless.

Lisanna was raised in the guild; everyone once loved her. It was sad to see how things developed over the years. Yes, what she did was unforgivable, he was furious with her and he too was not going to forgive her, at least not so easily and not anytime soon. However, he was more worried about the aftermath, what would happen to the others, especially Mira and Elfman. They mourned her "death" and everyone rejoiced when she returned. Mira, Elfman and Lisanna only had each other prior to joining the guild.

She was always disillusioned though. She always had this unhealthy imagination, especially when it came to romance. She always came on to strong when it came to her fantasies and to Natsu. No one dared set her straight, in fear of a tantrum; she knew how to throw one back then. Makarov blamed himself, he was the parent figure, and not only for her but also for everyone else. He should have been more attentive. She obviously needed psychological help. Had he taken that initiative maybe all this could have been prevented? At least she would get help now; he managed to convince the Council to have a psychologist see her once she has been detained on a weekly basis.

Laxus and Makarov teleported in front of Polyuscia's home in the forest and walked in. They found Gajeel, Lily, Levy and the medicine woman herself sitting around her dining table about to sit down for dinner. When they walked in, she huffed in annoyance before getting two more dinner plates.

"So how did it go with the Council, old man?" Gajeel inquired.

"Lisanna is now labelled a dark mage and there is a warrant out for her arrest. I expect Lahar, Doranbolt and their men to be here in a few days to arrest her" Master sighed.

"Such a terrible turn of events. To be honest, Lisanna should be locked away for a long time. What she did to us and especially to Lu-chan is unforgivable" Levy chimed in.

"We are all at fault here" Laxus interrupted. Everyone around the table, with the exception of Makarov, gave him an incredulous look.

"Lisanna always had an obsessive behaviour. Her interest in Natsu was unhealthy from the get-go. Don't tell me you didn't noticed this Levy, even when we were kids?" Laxus went on. Levy lowered her head.

"We should have set her strait back then. She always got her way; she was never given any boundaries. She never learned the word "NO". This all could have been avoided if we did something back then" Laxus finished.

"You are right Laxus, but at the end of the day. She shouldn't have used us like that. Do you know that she used her own sister, Mira, to lure you into a trap? For all we know, she is waiting for you at your house. She is using her sister's feelings for you against you. Lisanna has lost her soul!" Levy admonished. She was going to give Lisanna a break in this.

There was a dead silence after that. The only noise that could be heard was of food being chewed and utensils meeting dishes.

"So, I was thinking of formulating the cure into a gas substance this way we can smoke the guild. It would be the fastest way to cure everyone at once" Polyusica decided it break the silence.

"That is a great idea, how long do you think it'll be ready?" Makarov inquired.

"It should be ready in about a day or two"

"In the meantime, we need to do something about Mira. Laxus, do you think you can detain her?" Makarov turned to his grandson. Laxus simply nodded.

"I will give you a syringe with the cure this way you can inject her with it" Polyusica went to prepare the substance for the Lightning dragon slayer.

"Gajeel, I would like for you to go with him in case he will need back up. Lily I would like for you to stay here with Levy." Makarov ended the conversation and decided to retire for the night.

Elsewhere, Lisanna had already figured out that Levy wasn't coming back, "they got to her," she thought to herself. She should have thought things through. She should have used a different, more powerful potion or even looked into a spell. She kept mulling over the "what ifs" while she packed. She was preparing to flee the town and work on her revenge on her own. She wasn't going to let this go. She figured that her time was coming to close at the guild. She pretty much deduced that Master was already informed of what she did.

She decided to give one last order before leaving. She headed back to the guild, knowing that everyone was still there, she instructed the members to never leave the guild unless she tells them to.

She walked through those doors and noticed that Erza, Gray and Juvia were back, albeit empty handed.

"If the Magic Council or Master, Gajeel, Laxus, Wendy or Levy come through here, KILL THEM! Fight to the death!" Lisanna yelled out.

She then turned on her heals and disappeared into the night.

On the run [Completed] (Fairy Tail Fanfic) NaLuWhere stories live. Discover now