Chapter 9

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To say that everyone in that room was shocked beyond belief was an understatement.

"Virgo... did you just say that Lucy is p-p-preg-PREGANT?" Natsu stuttered.

Before Virgo could answer, Lucy intervened; no one noticed that she had woken up.

"I'm pregnant?" Lucy had tears streaming down her face. She was trembling.

Natsu quickly rushed over to her to comfort her.

"Shhh, Luce, it's ok. I can't believe it either." Natsu was consoling her, rubbing her back. Natsu was trying to wrap his mind about becoming a father.

"Natsu, what are we going to go? Look at the mess we are in" Lucy exclaimed.

"Hey, don't worry, we are a team alright, sure it's not the right time, but I am not mad about it. I couldn't be more thrilled about you carrying our child. Think of this like this, this child is the light at the end of this dark tunnel. I promise you that we will get through this together!" Natsu held conviction in his voice.

"And we will all help you!" Sting interrupted, with a grin on his face. Behind stood Rogue and Yukino who both nodded their agreement.

"Lucy, we will make sure that you and your baby are kept safe," The Spirit King promised.

Natsu and Lucy were overwhelmed by all the support they had. They were grateful for all the friends they had during this whole ordeal.

Back in the forest, Makarov and his team were waiting patiently for Natsu and Lucy.

Makarov went on to tell the medicine woman and the dragon slayers what transpired at the guild that morning.

"Damn, it's worse than we thought" Gajeel solemnly said.

"Relax my son, there is away out this, but it won't be easy" Makarov received curious looks from everyone.

At that moment, a bright light blinded them all. Once the light faded, they were met with Lucy, Natsu, Loke, Sting, Rogue and Yukino.

They were not expecting so many people.

"What is going on?" Wendy intervened.

Lucy went on to explain that Sabertooth is lending their help with this situation; the Spirit King has all hands on deck. Loke went on to say that Crux would be arriving shorty to help with the cure.

While they were working out the technicalities, Natsu decided to interrupt, everyone deserved to know the change of events.

"Everyone, there is something Lucy and I need to share with you. We're expecting!" Natsu smiled.

The expecting couple were met with silence.

"Natsu-san, Lucy-san is pregnant?" Wendy blushed.

Makarov's face was unreadable. Everyone was nervous. Suddenly a grin so wide broke out.

"Ha ha ha ha! I am so happy to see little rug rats running again! Congratulations!" Natsu and Lucy let out sighs of relief at Master's approval.

"Who knew you had it in you flame brain?" Gajeel patted him on the back. Laxus nodded his approval.

"Although, this does change things. Given the severity of the situation, we need to make arrangements to assure both your safety" Makarov's tone took a stern one.

"He's right" Laxus said

"I am sorry my child but Lucy needs to be kept safe and Natsu, you are the only one best suited for her protection" Makarov went on

"Well yeah, she is my mate!" Natsu scoffed, he already knew what Makarov was saying.

"That is why it pains me to do this, I need to send you into hiding. You are both in danger. If Lisanna finds out about this, there is no telling what she will do. We don't know to what lengths she will go" Makarov went on.

Natsu reluctantly agreed, he wanted to stay and fight, but he knew that his priority is to protect Lucy and their unborn child.

Makarov made arrangements with Sting to protect the couple. Makarov had a safe house that no one knew about near the Sabertooth guild. He gave Lucy and Natsu money to tie them over until it was safe to come back. Much to his chagrin, he had to remove their guild marks. He also explained how they needed to keep a low profile and avoid going in to the city or any towns in fear of getting recognized.

"Keep this safe, this will be the only way we can keep in touch. Don't worry, no one can trace the calls" Laxus gave Natsu a communication lacrima.

Natsu was grateful for the help. Makarov also instructed Wendy and Charle to accompany them. This way Wendy can help with any complications Lucy might experience with her pregnancy.

Once they shared their bittersweet goodbyes, Natsu and his team were on their way.

"Please be safe" Makarov looked up in the sky.

The trek to the safe house only lasted about two days. The dragon slayers took the opportunity to talk about security measures while Yukino and Wendy were trying to lift Lucy's spirits. She had been down since leaving. She really didn't want to leave everyone behind but she had no choice. Inwardly, she promised she would do whatever it took to protect her child. She absentmindedly rubbed her abdomen.

Once they arrived to their secret location, they were baffled to see that there was no house. Sting chanted something and house appeared.

"Makarov told me that the house is shrouded by a protection spell. No one can see it, but once inside, you can see everything. No one is the wiser!" Sting explained.

The all walked in, they were surprised by what they saw, the house was furnished, the kitchen cupboards were stocked with food; it's as if Makarov took arrangements to stock up the house before they got there.

Natsu found a letter on the dinning table and went on to read it. Makarov requested that Loke have one of the spirits to stock up the place with the necessities. The letter went on to explain that there was a safe hidden in the fireplace. Inside they found an emergency stash of money and other necessities.

They all decided to look around the house. They walked up the stairs to find their bedrooms. Wendy and Charle found theirs, while Natsu, Lucy and Happy went to look for theirs. The bedrooms were furnished and the dressers were full of clothes.

Virgo even set up the baby's room. Natsu and Lucy were in awe by how well the room was decorated. Everything from the crib to the change table was set up, there were stuffed animals in the corner and the walks were decorated with stars.

Natsu wrapped his arms around Lucy and nuzzled her hair. Lucy leaned in to the welcoming heat his body was emanating.

"I can sense your stress, relax, everything will be ok" Natsu whispered. She turned around in his arms and kissed him.

They decided to meet up with the others downstairs. Lucy offered to cook something up for them.

They had a lovely time, they exchanged stories and they laughed. They all enjoyed Lucy's cooking.

Once the evening was over, the Sabertooth Dragon Slayers and Yukino bit their farewells.

Sting, Rogue and Yukino promised to visit them daily to make sure that they were holding up well.

Once they finished washing the dishes they all headed upstairs to clean up. Wendy and Charle headed to their room. Happy went with them; he wanted to give Natsu and Lucy some privacy. After what transpired, the couple needed to spend some alone time together.

Natsu and Lucy retired to their bedroom, once in bed; Natsu pulled Lucy to him and wrapped his arms around her. Her scent always calmed him. Now that he figured out why her sent changed, he basked in it. Her new scent was that of their child.

"You know what?" He absentmindedly said

"What?" She looked up to him.

"Despite everything that is happened, I am happy" Natsu went to explain that he was looking forward to being a father.

Lucy agreed with him. She was looking forward to this new life. She just hoped that they could go back to Fairy Tail soon.

On the run [Completed] (Fairy Tail Fanfic) NaLuWhere stories live. Discover now