{78} - Love Me like There's no Tomorrow

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"Shh," Roger shushed, placing his finger over Belle's lips. "It's all right, it's all right."

"No, it is not—

Suddenly, Roger kissed Belle. Relief, warmth and joy exploded in her chest. It was tender at first, open-mouthed. To heal, to relieve all the ache of the past four days. Belle's lips were soft and warm, just like her skin. Roger's body began to tremble, more when he slid his tongue inside, when their tongues met and he could get wet of Belle. It was just a kiss, but it was consuming both his strength and sanity. He really didn't think he'd get to experience this again. Sometimes he thought it wasn't necessary to get sad over Belle because she would always come back to him to teach him how wonderful life can be.

"It's okay, my love. I know you love me like there's no tomorrow," Roger consoled his fiancée, his hand curving around Belle's side, keeping her close. He really wasn't mad at her. He didn't want Belle to be sad, this wasn't supposed to be the emotion overflowing her heart almost a day before she got married. He loved her so much and all he wanted was to put this behind them and focus on the excitement and beautitude of their upcoming wedding. "I just want you to promise me one thing."

"Anything you want, Roger," Belle answered as she struggled to breathe, now running her hands over his back.

"Promise me you won't ever — that you won't ever do something like this to me again," Roger murmured over her skin, the humming vibration sending her gooseflesh. Despite its soft tone, Roger's voice sounded torrid; very sensual and full of strong emotions.

"It's — it's never my intention to hurt you," Belle whispered as Roger planted kisses along the lenght of her neck, her heart pounding, her hand entwined in his golden locks.

"Then show it," Roger whispered mischeviously, separating a few inches to look at her. Belle was now overwhelmed with lust, he could hear it in her shaky breath, he could even smell it. When he felt like touching her was not enough for him anymore, he took Belle's hand and took her to his bedroom, luckily it wasn't too far from where they were. Perhaps this was all they needed - to see each other again, without talking too much, without angsty explanations.

They just needed to be together again.


The next morning

Roger Taylor and Belle Bulsara are getting married tomorrow.

It was still dark outside when Belle woke up. She glanced at the clock on Roger's bedside table, which read 6:40 A.M, and closed her eyes again, allowing herself to enjoy snuggling up next to Roger. This sense of bliss she was feeling wasn't fair, this wasn't fair. The world to her. She to the world. How she could arrive to her hometown after running away with her fiancé's cousin and make love to Roger as if nothing had happened. Her luck was truly so cynical, Belle thought.

"Why are you awake so early?", Roger mumbled sleepily. Belle had gotten so wrapped up in daydreaming that she didn't notice Roger waking up.

"Because we're getting married tomorrow, Roger," Belle gushed, looking at him lovingly. "Can you imagine? I'm already going to be wearing my wedding dress this time tomorrow."

"Oh, how sad. I was expecting you to be thinking about last night," Roger joked. "I'm kidding. I get your anticipation. The only thing I'm worried about is whatever Adam is going to say on his speech," Roger chuckled. He had chosen Adam Lambert as his Best Man and he was expecting him to say something real embarrasing tomorrow.

"Oh God, that's going to be so much fun," Belle giggled. "Do you remember when we first met?", Belle asked and her question somehow sounded extremely melancholic.

"Yeah. Hammersmith Apollo, you were with your Mom," Roger reminisced, moving closer toward Belle; wrapping his arm around her bare waist.

"I truly never thought you'd end up being my husband. You were my celebrity crush, and, I mean, who ends up marrying their celebrity crush?", Belle uttered as she made herself comfortable next to Roger, resting her head on his shoulder as she raised her leg up to rest it over his thigh.

"You," Roger kissed Belle, shortly but sweetly. "But yeah, you told me I was your celebrity crush."

"I'm going to ask you some questions, just to make sure you know me well," Belle stated as she brushed her touch against his abdomen. "You're ready?".

"I'm ready," Roger wrapped his arm around his fiancée.

"How old am I?", Belle asked the first question, and Roger had to admit it was easier than he expected.

"Twenty-three, of course."

Belle hummed approvingly. "And where was I born?".

"Westminster, London."

Belle nodded. "Who's my favourite singer?".

"Michael Jackson," Roger responded without hesitation. "He's all you can listen to."

"That's right," Belle planted a kiss on Roger's temple. "Okay, now let's move onto more complicated questions. What's my favourite song of all-time?".

"Hotel California?", Roger replied as he tugged the sheet over them.

"It's actually Stairway To Heaven, but it's Hotel California sometimes. I'll give you that one. Do you think the Hotel California actually exists?".

"I don't know," Roger shrugged. "You should ask Rami, he's from California after all."

Belle rolled her eyes playfully. "Now, what's my middle name?".

"Jasmine," Roger replied. "Your questions are too easy. It's my turn now. Gonna ask something real simple then I'm moving onto more deep questions. When's my birthday?".

"It's in fourteen days," Belle replied as she shifted herself lower so she could rest her chin over her hand that was over Roger's chest, comfortably looking at him with her big doe eyes.

"What date is it in fourteen days?", Roger tilted his head to the side as he started to trace patterns down Belle's back.

"July 26th."

"That's right. Now, what's your favourite thing about me?".

"So many things," Belle purred as Roger held her close. "Maybe how good you're in bed?".

"Thank you for that unexpected but highly appreciated boost to my ego."

Belle laughed. "Well, in all seriousness, I like how alike we are. You're not a mess like me but we share a lot of viewpoints in common and we both like and dislike the same things. And you're handsome and with a good heart too. I like that."

"Thank you, Princess. Now, answer this: who am I in love with?".

"Your car?".

Roger laughed out loud. "You're close but no, I'm in love with you," Roger picked Belle's nose playfully.

"I'm still waiting for the "deep questions" you said you'd be asking," Belle deadpanned.

"I thought I would be able to come up with good questions, but no. This feeling of rapture is too big and it won't let me think clearly. Just think about it: this is the last time we're seeing each other before the wedding," Roger reflected, starting to cry tears of joy. Tears didn't fall easily for him, he only cried for valid reasons and well, this was one of those moments. He would be married to the love of his life in less than forty-eight hours. The day he had been waiting for his entire life was almost here now and the feeling of happiness was to big, overwhelming. Belle was the person he loved the most in the entire world besides of his children and he hoped his wedding vows were at least half good enough to express the immense, all-consuming love he had for her.

"That's... true," Belle frowned slightly. "After all that we've been through, we're finally getting married tomorrow."

"And do you want to know what I'd do if I had the chance?", Roger looked at Belle with a smile, running his fingers through her silky hair rhythmically.

"What?", Belle looked up at Roger.

"I'd do it all over again if I could."

If I CouldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin