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jungkook's heart was racing at a genuinely worrying pace, his mind was the same.

questions flew everywhere, he could hardly pick up one.

the one he did pick up on, didn't make himself feel better.

your dad knows.

he knows you're gay and he's angry.

you can say goodbye to taehyung.

his hands were sweating, leaving damp patches on his jeans as he ran them over his thighs; a nervous tick.

the silence in the car made Jungkook uneasy, he saw how his fathers hands griped the wheel tightly, his lips pursed and eyes cold.

arriving home felt like arriving at court, where he'd fight for his freedom, defending him self, he's not guilty.

but he was guilty. he knew he was.

the judge had first hand evidence.

but did he? what evidence? he wasn't sure. he wasn't even sure if his dad was talking about being with taehyung.

but as he looked back on the past hour with taehyung, the serene silence of the garden he picked up on every small sound.

the undeniable sound of a squirrel running along a tree branch.

footsteps... twigs cracking under the pressure of the heavy soul; it felt relatable to jungkook, he felt the same.

he processed his thoughts; his dad didn't see he and taehyung kiss... did he?...

or he was over thinking this whole situation, maybe the 'talk' had nothing to do with taehyung.
wanting it to be the latter, Jungkook went in with his head high and his heart hopeful.

he sat at the kitchen table, calming himself down. convincing himself that he wasn't about to be 'outed'.

both his mother and father sat opposite him; him mother a shocked yet sympathetic look on her face.

his father; stern.

the panic rose once again, the bubbly anxiety feeling replacing the calm.

they sat in silence, both parents staring at their eldest son.

Jungkook was cracking under the pressure.

"what? what!? someone please... speak." his voice started out strong, gradually thinning down into a soft squeak.

his parents exchanged a look, then his father cleared his throat.

in an all too serious tone his father said; "what is your relationship with kim taehyung?"

jungkook paused... he's been caught.

"what?... a friend, of course." lie.


"yes..." lie.

"friends don't kiss, jungkook." jinsoon said, clearly recalling the image of seeing his son kiss another male.

jungkook wanted to cry. wanted to hide away and never look at anyone again.

his throat was dry as his eyes had taken all the moisture, forming tears.

"i-i..." jungkook started, he had to think quickly.

his mother cut him off; "honey... a-are you gay?..."

jungkooks world was over.

it was all too quick, too serious, all seemly leading up to him getting kicked out.

jungkook couldn't breathe, no words his parents said processed in his brain, they barely even got to his ears.

he was literally shaken from his panicked state by his mother.


that's when he broke down into tears.

they came all to quickly no time to stop, one after the other the tears flowed down his cheeks.

his mothers arms wrapped around his shaking body; an act of comfort.

"jungkook, its not a bad thing... promise."

he looked up at that.

"really?..." he whispered, voice raspy.

she nodded. smiling sweetly.

"me and your father love you no matter what... it just came as a surprise." saying that sincerely.

she chuckled. "going from not liking anyone to kissing kim taehyung, son to the richest man in the country."

jungkook flushed red.

"mom..." he whined.

she giggled in response.

"we do love you jungkook." his father said, eyes dancing between the two, a fond look on his face.

"no matter what, we love you, for you. nothing could change that" jinsoon said as he stood up.

both parents stood in front of jungkook who kept sitting.

each parent took one of jungkooks arms, pulling him up and straight into a tight, full of love hug.

he smiled and let out a breath.

he was okay.
his family loved him.
he was loved.

the gardeners son | taekookWhere stories live. Discover now