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it was saturday morning, 8:38 AM to be exact.

jungkook was sleeping like any -normal- teenager would be. he had stayed up late last night due to youtube... which was never a good thing, considering in half an hour jungkooks too up beat, happy dad will burst in and ruin the sleeping state jungkook is in.

once that happened jungkook cursed himself, his dad and the creator of youtube.

he trudged out of bed grumpily and refused to talk to anyone.
once he had eaten he went back up to his room, too sleep.

five minutes later, a pounding at his door brought him back from his trance called sleep, or the process of falling asleep.

after getting ready, jungkook waited in the car for his dad, he closed his eyes gently and leaned against the uncomfortable window of the car.
then his dad opened the door, the window being attached went with the opening of the door, sending jungkook into a panic before he thought he would hit the ground but he was stopped by his dad, who had the audacity to chuckle in a situation like this.

jungkook just rolled his eyes, planning to ignore his father for the whole drive...
to his boyfriends...

it felt, odd, saying 'boyfriend' as that's what taehyung was to him now...
he never said it out loud, he couldn't bring himself to tell his parents.
he didn't want to be a disappointment, the thought it's self made jungkook shiver, physically too.

jinsoon looked at his son strangely, but ignored it.

once they arrived jungkook seemed to have gained all the energy in the world as he literally jumped out the car.

mr jeon again, looked at his son like he was crazy.

after setting up the ladder, jungkook scrambled up to the window and knocked repetitively.

when taehyung eventually came to the window, jungkooks knuckle hurt.

but seeing taehyung made him forget the pain and just stare at the beautiful person who was taehyung, beautiful inside and out.

he had a real smile on his face, his eyes were lit up, all sparkly.
all beautiful.
jungkook felt proud, he knew he was reason behind the smile.

jungkook smiled back and ran forward into taehyungs awaiting arms.

he felt safe as soon as he made impact with taehyungs body, it was the best feeling for jungkook.

"hello..." taehyung softly murmured while his hand ran though jungkooks hair absentmindedly.

"hello haku..." jungkook replied, a smirk on his face as he said 'haku'

taehyung hit his back lightly and pulled away from the hug, a pout on his beautiful lips.

there was no better way to describe taehyung then, beautiful.
everything about him was outstanding and jungkook adored him.

"you still haven't told me what that means!" taehyung cried, quietly. he heard members of staff in the corridor.

jungkook heard the footsteps too and opted for a silent giggle where his hand covered his smile.
but taehyung took that hand and held it tightly as jungkook smiled.

"you are beautiful, jungkook." taehyung whispered, his voice full of love.
jungkook wanted to cry.

right as jungkook was going to hug taehyung, hide his teary eyes the door stared to open, then stopped for a moment while the person at the door finished a conversation with a staff member.

both boys froze but taehyung had instinctively shoved jungkook to move under the bed.
just in time too, when jungkook was fully under the bed, taehyungs door opened widely.

"ah, sir!-" the butler was interrupted.

"what have i told you about entering with out knocking?" taehyung asked through gritted teeth, his voice was low and rather intimidating.
while his heart beet was high.

the butler at the door froze, while trying to speak his voice was stammering.

"out." taehyung commanded.

"b-but sir-" the butler tried again.

"OUT!" taehyung demanded, he was scary.

but even then, jungkook found him beautiful.

the door shut again and taehyung let out a breath.
jungkook slivered out from under the bed and stood hesitantly at the end of the bed.
he was waiting for taehyung to make the first move, show he's okay.

"i'm sorry, jungkook." taehyung started.

jungkook only giggled.

taehyung looked confused.

"kinda hot..." jungkook then whispered.

taehyung went red, flushed with embarrassment.

jungkook giggled more.

"... and now cute, how do you do it?" jungkook jokes.

taehyung smiled, jungkooks giggle was so precious.
when he smiled he resembled a bunny, taehyungs new favourite animal.
thanks to jungkook, anytime he saw a bunny his mind instantly went to his boyfriend.

taehyung was genuinely happy when with jungkook.

he'd found his light in life.
his happiness.
reason to be around.
his purpose. 
while writing this, i listened to a lot of the spirited away sound track, but harp and piano.
it's very pretty.

also 'she' by dodie... 10/10

idk if this is very good... it's kinda a filler, the next chapter is too...

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