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everything went back to 'normal' after jungkooks friends came to his home for comfort, it made him feel more welcomed in the group.

a good heart break really brings people together.

but, jungkook acted as if nothing effected him as if the week he spent at home didn't happen.
it still hurt constantly, but he knew he was getting better.

everyone was cautious around jungkook which in all honesty annoyed the male.
he felt like they saw him as a kid and one wrong move could trigger an avalanche of tears.
it wasn't like that, he was okay.

or he believed he was.

his thoughts were still constantly bombarded with taehyungs face, the face of his first heart break.
the little emotion taehyngs face held when breaking jungkooks heart.

he shivered thinking about it, chewing on his bottom lip.

lunch was...odd.
his friends treated him like fine china, their behaviour bothered jungkook greatly as he knew he was healing, he didn't need their sympathy.
he assured everyone he was OK and told them to act as if nothing had changed. because nothing had changed.
but they couldn't act like nothing had happened, knowing what jungkook felt like on the inside.

"you know it's okay, not to be okay, right jungkook?..." seokjin said after awhile of staring at jungkook and watching his half assed movements and the unnatural face of 'i'm fine'.

"jin, i'm fine." jungkook said through gritted teeth while his fork impaled his chicken.

his friends said nothing but jin wanted too.

"i know you keep saying that but-"

"jin." jungkook warned, his voice low and scary. "i'm. fine."

jin nodded, "yeah, you say that..."

jungkook rolled his eyes and stood up abruptly, throwing his bag over his shoulder, leaving with out a word.

all friends turned to jin, as he was the one to blame for jungkooks storm off.

taehyung hadn't recovered, he still felt worthless and so alone.

his own little pride and joy made his sad just by looking at it, his garden.

he needed air as his head was filled with negativity clouds.

begging his father to let him out to his garden, which his father accepted, reluctantly.

taehyung thanked him of course.

he walked out the large front door, the fresh air hit him hard and to taehyung it felt so good.

he cracked a small smile inhaling the air as he walked down the few steps from the front door to the garden.

he walked through a small gate to the main garden and gasped, it was stunning.

fresh green grass lay looking lavish, taehyung even pondered the thought of it being fake but when leaning down to touch it he felt the undeniable dewiness of real grass.

his attention was then brought to the flower beds and how the colours blended perfectly while the smell of the blend was immaculate, taehyung felt the instant joy of the flowers, his negative mind getting a cleanse.

the garden had never looked better the whole aura was calming with hints of playfulness due to all the colour and different types of
flowers, taehyung thinking of cute family gatherings being held, it made him smile the joyous thought of a large family enjoying time out here together.
but then he was remembering how empty this place really was.

he owed his current happiness to jinsoon, but the man he owed his good mood too, also brought him down.
with his mind drifting to jungkook he sighed, and held back the waterworks. biting his lip in an attempt to stop the inevitable flow of tears to come.

his eyes locked onto the 'secret' gate of his garden and sprinted for it.
he fumbled with the lock for a while until it eventually opened.
after running down the short and narrow path he collapsed into his swinging seat, sobbing.

his fist clenched in frustration with his own mind and how a happy thing can instantly be attached to jungkook.

but in reality, jungkook was his happiness.

he needed him back.
he screwed up, but he was willing to fight.

he sat in silence, listening for the sound of a car engine and once he heard it he bolted up.
he knew it was mr jeon, as he gardened in the afternoon to use his time most effectively.

while mr jeon was busy getting his tools out, taehyung stood very closely to him.
once the gardener stood up and turned to left, taehyung was right there.
jinsoon literally jumped, just like a cat after getting a fright.

it didn't bother taehyung as his mind was set on one thing.

bring back jungkook.

"i need your help." taehyung said a monotone voice.
it scared jinsoon, he didn't know taehyung personally only through his son, and this wasn't how he described him.

"y-yes mr kim?" jinsoon said shakily.

"walk with me." taehyung said already having turned on his heel, one finger out beckoning for him to follow.

mr jeon scurried up to him but stayed slightly behind him, in fear.

they walked in complete, eerie silence.
until taehyung stoped abruptly in front of a pastel flower bed, him taking in a deep breath before he spoke.

"bring jungkook here on saturday, no exceptions." taehyung said blankly, his face showing no emotion but his eyes never met jinsoons.

for a good reason, mr jeons eyes reminded him of jungkooks and he had already cried over him today.

"o-of course mr kim... is that all?" mr jeon said voice wavering in uncertainty.

taehyung just nods and dismissed
him back to his work with his hand, still not making eye contact.

mr jeon bowed respectfully but taehyung rolled his eyes in detest of his action.

once he left, taehyung smirked to himself.

operation 'get jungkook' was on.

thank you for 600 + reads!~
it makes me happy when people read this as i'm scared that i'd be thrown away after 'tattoo shop' was completed.

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