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it was odd, oddly pleasant, sure but still unknown and scary. everything was new, totally overwhelming.

but with jungkooks hand tightly in his grasp, walking through the front doors of high school didn't feel so scary.

one thing that would never change, even in such an overwhelming time, was taehyungs love for jungkook.

"are you ready?" jungkook asks, a comfortingly beautiful smile on his face, hand gripping taehyungs ever so slightly stronger.

taehyung takes a deep breath in, then nods.

walking in was what taehyung was most afraid of, the judgemental looks and little whispers, the eerie feeling of eyes lingering on your body, the immediate rejection from the other students. he was the new kid, what more was there to expect.

within one step he saw the cliques and the eyes snap. snap to taehyung, snap to jungkook, snap to their hands.

the panic should be there, but the gentle hand of jungkooks was more important, his eyes were more important. so that's where he looked, into jungkooks eyes, how calm he felt.

the whispers came next, ones he over heard. surprised, that fit him.

"who IS that?"

"i'm not sure...?"

"is that THE kim taehyung?!"

"yes! yes!"

"he's holding hands with jeon jungkook?!"

"but i was just about to ask him out..."

taehyung pulled jungkook further into his side.

"how'd you know it's him?"

"i saw a picture someone took of him... it's the eyes, one monolid the other double..."

"he's handsome..."

jungkook wrapped his hand around taehyungs arm.

"hey guys!" seokjin called from the lockers where the others stood.

the couple headed over, bodies almost one.

"welcome to high school! your gonna hate it!" jimin sang. yoongi, who stood in front of jimin nudged him in the stomach. jimin retracted his arms from yoongis waist and took his head off the elders shoulder.

"no~" yoongi whined, forcing jimins hands back around his waist, but this time yoongi faced jimin, hugging him tightly.

"gross," hoseok joked, eyeing the couple.

"well anyway," jin shakes the grossly cute couple off, "what class you got first?"

"ah, drama."


"so? how was your first day?" mr kim asks his son with a new found excitement, while the two sat on the swinging seat in taehyungs garden.

"oh! i really love it! having jungkook and the others around me all day is the best feeling! learning from professionals feels refreshing, only having books at home was a nightmare!"

"i'm glad to hear that, very." mr kim smiles sincerely, eyes filling with pride and prickling with tears.

they sat in silence that night, just listening to water trickle and flys buzz. taehyung smiles through every moment.


and that's how senior year went, filled with happy moments, ones he will remember forever.

it went by in a flash.

it was everything he had hoped for. not school, his life. it was a basic life, he knew that, but compared to the one he had before it was a fairy tale, he lived every moment smiling and never took anything for granted.

never took anyone for granted.

it really was all because of one person, this new found freedom.

if he didn't force jungkook to sneak through his window every weekend, he wouldn't be here, he'd be trapped in his cell by someone who had no relationship with him, only an important title, his father. jungkook could have left when taehyung let him, he could have waltzed off and into someone else life. but he didn't, he stayed and made taehyungs life magical.

no matter what happens in life, taehyung will be forever thankful to jungkook.

and he is, everyday.

even when jungkook doesn't wake up next to him.

even when the two are apart.

he thanks jungkook everyday.

he smiles everyday.

when heartbreak strikes, and tears cannot he stopped. he still smiles, happy memories keep him close.

he made a life for him self with jungkook pushing him, he stood up for what he wanted.

he lived the life he always read about in books, he lived his dream.

he was his own person, he lived how he wanted with the love of those around him.

he achieved something he thought was impossible...

he became a husband and a father.

all thanks to the gardeners son.

- the end -

aHHHH !!!

she's completed !
i'm so sorry this took so long, i'm also so sorry for it coming from no where.
i had burn out.

i love this book, so much.
i'm just so proud to have completed it!!

thank YOU!! for reading!

the votes and comments mean so much to me! and i thank you all for them.

thank you for making this possible! <3

the epilogue will be up soon.

ILY ALL!! <3

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