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when jungkook stepped out the modern day car, it was like going back in time.
the house was old, well old looking. but rather large and quite pretty. it was enough to make jungkook silently gasp, inside of course he couldn't have his parents find out he was impressed, no no.

he scoffed and rolled his eyes as he headed back to sit in the car. his father was gaping at the house while his mother was pointing out all the beautiful features the house offered. while walking back to the car his father stopped him by grabbing his arm. "and where do you think you are going?" his father asked him, slightly patronising. "going back to the car." jungkook replied rather bored of this conversation already, he'd much rather be sleeping.

his father chuckled, "oh no you are not! we as a family, are going to introduce ourselves to my new boss. then we can go to our new home."

jungkook groaned then shook his fathers hand off him.

the family started walking up the long path to the entrance of the house, jungkooks little brother - jungchul - was kicking the pretty little pebbles all the way up, of course being an annoyance to jungkook, who's fists tighten every time one gets kicked at his heel.

right when jungkook was going to put his brother in a head lock, they arrived at the door and his father was already knocking.

it took a couple minutes for the door to be opened by one of the staff, clearly showing either - the lack of staff or - just how huge this house really was.

"ah, you must be the new gardener? am i correct?" the male worker asked who stood at the door, posture perfect. 
jungkooks father nodded, "yes, that's me! my name is jinsoon, jeon jinsoon." he said politely and bowed then took the mans hand and shook it.

the man smiled then took in the presence of other people, he bowed respectfully then said. "my apologies, i am mr park, head butler in his house.   this must be your family!" he said while eyeing each one of jungkooks family, jungkook smiled politely once he got to him, but stuck his tongue out when mr park turned to look at his sister.

his mother hit his arm and muttered a quick "how mature." before going back to smiling.

mr park ushered them into the house and encouraged them to take their shoes off, to which they did. "ah, mr jeon! follow me, i'll show you to mr kim's office." the two older men then took off, mr jeon gawking at everything he saw.

another maid came along and lead them to the living room where they could sit and wait for mr jeon to be done. mrs jeon bowed in thanks once the maid left the room, before walking around the vast space of the living room. "wow... look at this place!" jungkooks mother squealed, she actually squealed. jungkook looked at her in shock and discussed.

"what a traitor." he mumbled underneath his breath. he looked around for himself, not impressed. there wasn't even a TV, how could they live with out one? he then pulled his phone out his pocket hoping to scroll through instagram to pass the time, but was met with: NO SERVICE

he audibly gasped, his mother shot round to look at her son. "what? what's wrong?" she asked seriously, she 100% though something was wrong.

"there's no service!" jungkook cried dramatically. his mother tsk'd and rolled her eyes, "of course you'd be in your phone, look around! this place is wonderful!" she said so enthusiastically it hurt jungkooks head.

"it's not that great." a voice said from the door, all heads turned to look at the person who entered. but jungkooks breath was taken away.

he was stunning, beautiful black hair that suited his unnaturally pale skin but nevertheless still he still looked like a god, his eyes were soft but had a sharp edge to them, he looked broken, to jungkook anyway.

"h-hello." jungkooks mother - jiwoo - bowed, his brother and sister getting up from the couch to do the same, jungkook didn't.

he was to transfixed on the looks of this man, he honestly thought he was straight, but maybe things can explain themselves as to why he didn't find other things guys found attractive about girls. yes, he found them pretty, just never was interested in dating someone. but now... he instantly felt attracted.

"jeon jungkook!" his mother yelled at him as he came back from the trance of the handsome stranger.

"ah, i'm kim taehyung. son of the owner of this establishment." the stranger now known as taehyung said. "as i said before, once you get used to this home, it's not so 'wonderful' as you said it, ms...?"

"ah, m-mrs jeon jiwoo." jungkooks mother said in reply. "it's lovely to meet you, mr kim." she said after.

"likewise, if i knew who you were."

"oh, yes. were the family of the new gardener. i am his wife, and these are his children." jiwoo said nervously.

"hmm." taehyung said while he took a step forward. "lovely to meet you all." he said dryly.

jungkook rolled his eyes, such a pretty face, such an arrogant mind.

"i look forward to seeing you again soon." he said, but his attention was all on jungkook.

taehyung felt odd about him.

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