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saturday rolled around quicker than mr jeon had hoped.

jinsoon stood by the door of his eldest sons bedroom, watching jungkook (the eldest son) who was sleeping peacefully.
mr jeon hated that he must ruin it.

he walked into the room, and stood at by his desk, then called out to his son.
"jungkook. it's time to wake up."

jungkook grumbled and threw his pillow over his head, ignoring his fathers call.

"jungkook, up!" he demanded this time.

he groaned and sat up in bed.
"what..." he whispered out, voice strained from lack of use from being asleep for so long.

"i need your help at the kim residence, no exceptions. up in 20!" mr jeon yelled as he walked out the room, ignoring the guilt that lingered in his stomach.

jungkook kept his eyes on the spot his father was standing, his facial expression says it all; the disapproval of going, the hurt he felt hearing that name.

he detested the idea of leaving his warm bed, having to leave the cocoon of duvets and blankets he'd created to go to the house that his heart was broken.

he detested gettig up further.

after contemplating the idea of faking illness, he decided against it.
after all, his father did so much to support him, it was the least he could do.
help his dad with dirty work around the kim family home.

he couldn't blame his dad, his dad was still in the dark about the whole situation. he didn't know what happened, and jungkook knows it's for the best.

right now, jungkooks heart hurt enough. he didn't need the extra strain of being disowned by his family.

jungkook didn't know his parents views on gay rights, felt too scared to ask.

deep down he's always felt different, all his male friends from his last school, -clearly not his new one as all his friends were gay, except hoseok him being asexual- obsessed over the females from his old school, jungkook didn't understand it.

they're just the opposite sex... what's so good about them? ( A/N no offence taken)
jungkook respected them always, and saw them as they were beautiful and strong minded figures.
but he didn't feel he could like them.
he was never attracted to them, not even the most desired of females.
not like his other friends were.

from a young age he's had an obscure obsession with a little film known as; spirited away.

he loved the concept of his own world filled with spirits who wished him well. his own adventure and friends.

but in the fantasy world he had admired, one character stood out more than any other.


his sharp eyes burned into jungkooks mind from the age of 3, his first real memory he remembers, that as of today is still very much present in his mind.

everything about haku stood out to him, his strong character that showed bravery, his natural coolness made jungkooks inside tingle and he giggled furiously while he was on screen.

he was angry with himself, the more he thinks about it.
how he didn't pick up on it sooner, when he met taehyung he felt the same tingle.
taehyung was similar to haku, he too was a strong character who's eyes pierced into your soul.
even without the title, everyone swooned over taehyung and followed his every instruction.
the title helped though; so did haku's.

and the more he realised it, he'd found his haku.
and he wasn't willing to give him up.

with his head high and mind set on one thing, he stepped out of bed.

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