39. Date

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"Alright!" Blaine shouted as he banged his gavel in attempt to settle down the Warblers.

Flint and Hunter were busy arm-wrestling, Trent and Wes seemed deep in discussing their English project and Nick was gently massaging Jeff's upper arm after he had complained for about a half an hour about being sore after dance practice. Sebastian, who also took the same dance classes as Jeff shot Blaine an annoyed look, wanting a massage from his boyfriend as well. When Blaine banged the gavel again, things seemed to settle down.

"Settle down, Warblers. Well," Blaine began "I do not know about you but I sure am sick and tired of listening to Kurt woo over how perfect and adorable Dave is."

There were a few murmurs of agreement. Blaine cleared his throat and looked over the group of Warblers.

"I have a plan regarding the two lovebirds I need to make happen before I go mental and blow my brains out." Blaine said.

He saw Jeff move his hand to Nick's knee and giving it a slight squeeze and then letting go. Well, there's another thing that made Blaine want to tear his hair out, having to keep quiet over their semi-relationship.

"I say we arrange a nice date for them right here, in the choir room. There will be a nice dinner, scented candles and soft music playing in the background. This simply cannot fail." Blaine said.

"But, let's say if it fails, what then?" Cameron asked.

"If this plan fails Blaine will eat the gavel." Flint, said like it was the most obvious thing.

"I will not eat the gavel!" Blaine said.

"Raise your hand if you think this is a good deal." David shouted.

Every Warbler, besides Blaine, shot their hand into the air, in the case of Thad and David both hands.

"I will not eat the gavel!" Blaine shrieked.

"The mob has spoken." Thad pointed out, only to receive a deadly glare.

"This is just going to have to work, then." Blaine said and stood up. "Sebastian, you're in charge of letting Dave know he should be here at 7 tonight, make sure that is all he knows. I will let know of Kurt. He must also only know to get here at 7, nothing else. Nick, Jeff, you're in charge of dinner. Flint and Wes, you're in charge of candles. Hunter and Trent, you're in charge of finding appropriate music. Everyone else is in charge of setting up the room and making it look romantic. Now get to work!"

"Dave!" Sebastian called out.

He had been searching the hallways of Dalton for quite some time. The school was incredibly big and he had no idea where Dave was lurking. He wasn't in his dorm, not in the library or in the study hall. He finally found him on his way back from the bathroom.

Dave turned around and smiled at his friend. "Hey, Sebs, what's up?"

"Seven tonight, choir room. Be there."

"Is there an emergency Warbler meeting or something…?" Dave asked, getting a weird feeling from Sebastian's smirk.

"No." Sebastian said. He added "Just be there" When he saw a questioning look on Sebastian's face. He then turned around and left, ignoring Dave's protests.

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