25. Stubborn Love (Part 2)

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Kurt made his way into the room just in time. He sat down next to Dave just as Wes banged his gavel. He then noticed Nick sitting across the room from Jeff, something that never happened. He also couldn't help but notice that the other Warblers noticed the same thing.

One of the Junior Warblers leaned in towards Kurt and Dave. "So what's up with Nick and Jeff?" He whispered. "They are acting like two separate people." It was true. All of the Warblers were used to Niff and not Nick and Jeff. "Did they get in a fight or something?"

Everyone knew that Dave and Sebastian had a sort of friendship with the two and if anyone would know what was going on between the two, it would be them.

"And look at him. He looks like he hasn't slept in days and he looks like he's starting to lose weight." Another Warbler pointed out.

It was true, Jeff had large, dark bags under his eyes, making his sleepless nights more evident. His already thin frame also seemed to be thinner, which worried the two a little.

Kurt made a mental note to check on Jeff tomorrow. Kurt had known the boy well enough to know that he was always a little moody. Not in an angry way though, as in a 'depressingly sad' to 'perfectly fine' kind of moody.

Those were really his only two moods seeing as Jeff never got angry. Kurt watched the blond for a few more moments. He noticed that Jeff wasn't focusing on what Wes was saying, which was usual for everyone, but it seemed different than usual. Something was off. Kurt shrugged it off and assumed it had to do with the whole Nick situation.

Dave opened him to reply but Kurt answered before he had a chance. "We don't know." He said in a hushed tone, quickly.

Dave turned to Kurt and gave him a questioning look. Kurt simply mouthed back, "It's none of his business." Dave merely nodded and the two went back to listening to Wes.

"Now Warblers," Wes began, banging his gavel down. "Seriously, I really missed doing that." He said to himself before remembering that he had the attention of all the Warblers. "Uh-anyway, as I was saying, I have wonderful news. Yesterday the council was informed that Vocal Adrenaline has been disqualified from Nationals."

"Something about over half the team being professional dancers in their thirties and the coach injecting their competition with rabies..." David added as Thad tried his best to keep a straight face.

"Anyway," Wes started again, "The Dalton Academy Warblers have been chosen to take their place." He paused so that the rest of the Warblers could cheer. "Now, the bad news is that we've lost two weeks of rehearsal and we're up against New Directions, who have now beat up...twice...and they now have Unique and Sunshine Corazon" The rest of the Warblers faces dropped a little.

"But that doesn't mean we're going to just give up," Thad said, quickly.

"Yes, starting tomorrow we'll be adding another half an hour to practice and when the competition gets closer we'll be adding another half an hour. Also, for our set list, the council has decided upon one group number, one duet, and one solo. As tradition follows, we will be holding auditions for both duet and solo. Keep in mind that we also have agreed to do a spring performance for the school and the Warblers have held the tradition of never re-using songs for a performance. The council has decided to be a little more lenient and will decide how many solos and duets we will be showing after auditions. But, our main focus is on Nationals. Auditions will be held next week. Be prepared, I don't want anyone wasting our time since we haven't any extra to spare." Wes said, sitting back down as he finished his speech.

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