24. Stubborn Love (Part 1)

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Dave jumped slightly when he heard noises around the dorm. He relaxed a second later when he realized Kurt was the one making them.

"Morning, sunshine," Dave said, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning, sorry if I woke you up."

"That's fine, I was already wake up"

"That's great to hear cause were going..."

"So where are you kidnapping me?" Dave asked, knowing that Kurt only gets handsome for one thing.

"What makes you think I'm taking you somewhere?" Kurt asked, trying to play innocent.

"I have a lot of homework to catch up on..." Dave said, almost whining.

As much as he wanted to go off and have some random adventure with Kurt, but he couldn't. He just didn't have the time.

"Bring it with you," Kurt said, noticing that he was working on calculus BC. "I'm great at calc." He said, shrugging a little.

Dave couldn't help but smile to himself a little.

"And where exactly are we going?" He asked, glancing at the clock seeing it was about nine in the morning.

"Breakfast. On weekends we're allowed out basically all day. They don't really care as long as we don't burn anything down." Kurt said, shrugging.

Dave gaped a little. "Burn anything down? Has that ever happened?"

"From what I heard apparently last year some crazy kid tried to kill Julian Larson or something and ended up burning down the Art Hall. The old Warbler director ended up dying in the fire. The other Warblers don't really talk about it much so I don't really know much about it..."

"Seriously! Wait for- Julian Larson! As in Julian Larson, who plays Grant from Something Damaged! He goes here! I love that show! And wait- old Warbler director? Do we have a Warbler director? I've never seen him before."

"Julian graduated last year...or transferred...or just hasn't come back yet," Kurt said, shrugging. "David said he wasn't around much last year. And we had two directors. A girl and a boy. The guy was the one who died and the girl transferred schools. If you want more details you'll have to ask the other Warblers. But like I said, they aren't big on talking about it and I was at McKinley at the time so..." Kurt said. "Hurry up, we're going late..."

"Yeah yeah yeah, just give me a minute," Dave replied, shoving his books into his bag and getting up.

"Shall we?" Kurt asked in a cheesy tone.

Dave laughed. "You're a dork, you know that right?"

"Psh, you love it," Kurt said, laughing slightly himself.

Dave couldn't help but smile. He liked seeing this side of Kurt and he hated how little he got to see it. Kurt was always acting all serious and moody.

About fifteen minutes later Dave and Kurt found themselves walking into the cafe that Kurt had spoken of. They ordered their food on sat down.

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