1. Did You Come To Take Me?

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"Goodbye, Dave. And please, if you need anything, or just want to chat a while...you already have my number" Kurt said as he left the hospital room. 

Dave looked down at his lap and sighed deeply, trying to stop himself from crying more. He suddenly looked up when he heard a soft knock at the door. 

"H-hi.." A tall boy in a suit said awkwardly. 

Dave looked at the boy, confused. "..H-hi" He couldn't put his finger on it but he had seen this boy before. "I'm...I'm better" Dave answered a little awkwardly.

The tall boy noticed the other's awkwardness. He looked down and laughed lightly for a moment. "You don't remember me don't you?" 

"N-no. Can't say that I do, sorry" Dave blushed slightly. 

"It's fine. We...we met at Scandals" 

Dave's eyes widened, suddenly remembering him. "O-oh" 

"We were never properly introduced." The boy extended his hand to Dave. "Sebastian. Sebastian Smythe."

D-dave. David Karofsky" Dave said as he took Sebastian's hand. 

"I know," Seb said. 


"I wanted to make sure you were okay" 

"Why? We aren't friends. We've only met once and you told me to fucking stay in the closet" 

"I know... and I'm really sorry for that. I shouldn't have said that I know that now. I...I honestly am sorry" 

"No, you shouldn't have," Dave said, looking away from Sebastian. 

Seb looked down, a guilty expression plastered onto his face. "I know" 

Dave laughed bitterly. "I can't believe I'd do that to him.." He said, more to himself than to Sebastian. 

"Do what?" Seb asked, confused. 

"Huh?" Dave said, suddenly realizing again that he wasn't alone. "Sorry...just that...a year ago, I did the same thing to him that people did to me. It's just...it's almost ironic how I'm on the other side...I'm not on the outside looking in. I'm on the inside and...and it sucks. A lot...I did some horrible things and maybe...maybe me being bullied is my punishment for being such a jerk for so long I...I just can't believe I put him through all that" Dave said, not really sure as to why he was telling a stranger, his life story. 

Sebastian frowned and sat his hand on Dave's knee reassuring. "Everyone does things that we regret. It's part of being a human. But, the way I see it, is if you can learn from your own regrets and try and be better because of them, then wouldn't that make them a good thing?" 

"I guess" Dave smiled weakly at the taller boys words. 

"So" Sebastian began. "Did Kurt ever forgive you?"

"W-what?" Dave asked, shocked. "How did you-" 

"I go to Dalton Academy," Sebastian said, pointing at the 'D' on his blazer. 


"So, did he? I know that you feel horrible about it so I know you apologized to him and judging by your face I'm assuming that he did forgive you" 

"Wow, you're like a detective or what" 

Sebastian laughs. "Not really, I saw him leaving right before I came in. Why would he have come here if he really hated you?" 

Dave frowned at Sebastian laughs. "Not funny" 

"You're wrong. It's indeed very funny" 

Dave laughed lightly and couldn't help it but smile at the sound of his own laugh. It had felt like forever since the last time he laughed. Laughed and actually meant it. Sebastian didn't seem to be the bad person he met back at Scandals. He was being...nice...and it felt nice. "Not at all," Dave said, more kidding than anything. 

"Only to you because you didn't see the look of amazement in your face." 

The two continued to talk. It was weird at first, for Dave at least. His first encounter with Sebastian was less than positive. In fact, it was horrible. It was worse than getting slushied by some random dude at school. Sebastian was the first guy he had ever tried to flirt with, which ended horribly.. but now, the two were chatting it up like they were close friends, which, Dave didn't mind at all. 

Since he was outed every 'friend' at his school abandoned him, saying they didn't want a 'faggot' as a friend. He even got cut from the football team because no one on the team wanted him in the locker room. 

Dave opened his mouth for a moment but closed it. Sebastian noticed, and gave Dave a confused look. "What?" 

"It...it's just, why...I have to know" Dave said, his shyness coming back. 

"Know what?" 

"W-why are you really here?" Dave asked, confused. 

Sebastian was slightly taken aback. "W-what do you mean?" 

"Aside from today, we've met once. For like...not even twenty seconds. And you clearly didn't like me much then. So why now, why are you here?" 

Sebastian nodded. "I'm here to give you this." Reached into his bag. A second later he pulled out a few papers. 

Dave took them. "Alright," Dave said, confused. 

"At Dalton Academy, there is zero tolerance policy against bullying. If you're caught harassing somebody, anybody, you are instantly expelled." 

"What are you trying to say?" Dave asked. 

"I'm saying come to Dalton Academy. No other school can provide the same anti-bullying policy that we have." 

"I...the tuition," Dave said, looking at the hefty bill for just one semester. 

"You're good at football right?" Sebastian said, smirking slightly. Clearly, he was going somewhere with this. 

"Yeah, why?"

"They offer full tuition scholarships. Dalton's football team really sucks, I'm sure the coach would be more than happy to accept a new member." 

"W-why are you doing this?" 

Sebastian didn't say anything for a second or two. "Just..look at the papers over with your dad. If you hurry you can be in your dorm in a week or two" Sebastian said as he got up from the chair and began walking towards the door. 

"Hey! W-wait!" 

"Yes?" Sebastian turned his head slightly, just enough to see Dave. 


"Anytime" Sebastian turned around and began leaving. "Warbler auditions are in three weeks" 

"What's a warbler?" Dave asked himself before looking back down at his papers. 

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