11. I Learned To Live Half Alive (Part 1)

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"You're Late," Blaine said, frowning as he saw Kurt sitting down across from him at his booth. 

"Just a little" Kurt said, shrugging. 

"fifteen minutes isn't a little late" Blaine replied, pulling out his pocket watch to show Kurt the actual time. 

"A Pocket watch? When I was with you, I've never seen you with one." Kurt said. 

"Kurt" Blaine said, sternly. 

"Do you even have a cellphone? My dad doesn't even carry around a pocket watch." 

"You're lucky, I didn't leave," Blaine said, trying to get back on topic. 

"Sorry, Yeah, for what I am here" 

"Good, what was so important that you needed to meet in person to talk about? Sebastian is so fed up with Dave that he doesn't even pay attention to me anymore." 

"I-" Kurt paused a moment. "I have a little bit of a problem." 

"With what? I swear if this is another rude dare from Niff they are dead" 

Kurt laughed bitterly. "Please if that would be true, those two would already be dead by now" 

Blaine frowned. "So what's your problem? And why does it involved me?" 

"Because" Kurt began. "I need your help-" 

"With what?" 

Kurt frowned. "If you let me finish you probably would know by now." 

"Sorry. Go on." Blaine said. 

Kurt gave Blaine an annoyed look and Blaine nodded for the pale boy to go on. "Fine anyway, I don't even know how to say this..." Kurt said, rubbing the back of his neck lightly. 

Blaine was a little shocked by how out of the character Kurt was being. The Kurt who, just over a month ago, was over him and talking about fashion, and burying Pavarotti. Even though Kurt seemed to mature since the last time they spoke, it was strange to see him not being himself. 

"You can take your time" 

"Let's say...we have a problem?" 

"About what?" Blaine frowned in confusion. 

"I think that I might...like someone, alright? Like, want to date this person who I like-who I might like...I need to know.. cause this feeling wasn't the same with you" 

Blaine looked at Kurt bewildered at the huge deal he was making out of a crush. "I don't see the big deal. You were with me, you dated me for months." 

"Well, yes, but we also make love,"

Blaine frowned. "Such a gentleman," He said sarcastically. 

"I always am" Kurt replied just as sarcastically. 

"Either way, I don't see the problem" 

"Of course you wouldn't," Kurt said, sighing loudly in frustration. "You still don't get it. I don't want my ass to be hurt again as it did with you... I still don't believe the way you cheated on me." Kurt sounded hurt as he said the word 'cheated'. 

"I told you I was sorry, Kurt, It was my mistake... I was lonely, you were over at New York visiting Rachel, what was I supposed to do" 


Blaine sighed deeply before shaking his head. "Okay, so who is this mystery man that has suddenly made you more like this" 

"I wasn't planning on it" 

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