34. Worn Out Faces (Part 2)

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The next day Sebastian woke up feeling more relaxed than he had in months. Blaine wasn't mad at him anymore, his father and brother were gone, and he didn't have to worry about Matt bothering him anymore. Sure, he still had a lot to talk about with Dave later but for right now, everything was finally going his way.

He got up, a little shocked that Blaine was in his bed sleeping, but ignored it and went to shower. About half an hour later Sebastian was washed, dressed, and heading out his dorm for breakfast with Blaine. He was just in the Gym and was heading out when he got to him.


"...Hi." Blaine said, sounding a little nervous.

"Hi..." Sebastian replied sounding the same.

"So, uh...yeah..." Blaine said, as the two started to walk down the hall towards the cafeteria.

Sebastian chuckled lightly. "Yeah...So, the whole truth about Matthew and I..." Sebastian took a deep breath. "Okay, look, I swear to any God you want me to that I did not want a relationship, or anything for the matter, with that asshat! I told him like ten times that I didn't but he just wouldn't take no for an answer and I guess after a while of me saying no he got pissed and called my father. Now, he was all pissed off because last year, when I was in Paris...and way before I met you!" He added, quickly, "I kinda sorta...uh well, I had sex with my French teacher once...or twice...or twenty-three times, whatever, that part doesn't matter but after a while this jealous whore found out and she told the Dean who told my father and that's when he started to realize that I was gay. But he chose to ignore it, I guess he kinda just suppressed the whole thing so when he thought it was happening again he kinda freaked out and he's the kind of super homophobic asshole that I really didn't want you to meet and that's why I told him you were my friend. You see, I wasn't embarrassed of you or anything...I was just ashamed of who my father is." Sebastian said all in one breath.

There was a long pause before Blaine said anything. "So, he knows you're gay now, right?"

Sebastian nodded. "Yeah, I told him."

Blaine bit his lip. He only spoke to Leonard Smythe for a few moments but Blaine could tell what kind of man he was. Blaine was positive that it didn't go well, but he had to know. "So...What happened?"

Sebastian sighed.

-Flashback, Sebastian-

Leonard snarled. "I know what you are. Worthless, pathetic, a faggot." Leonard motioned at Jax. "I brought him back to fix you!"

"I was never broken." Sebastian said, confidently. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go get Blaine back."

Jax seemed to shrink back behind his father, looking almost guilty for being a part of the conversation. "C'mon dad, we should go." Jax said, quietly.

Leonard gave Sebastian a cold look. "So you're choosing that monster over your family? You have to choose. Do you want to be one of them or have a family?"

Sebastian didn't even need to think about it. "I never had a family." Sebastian said, starting to walk away.

Leonard snarled. "If you leave now then you are no longer a Smythe!" He threatened. "I will not have such a disappointment for a son."

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