14. If It'll Make Me Straight (Part 2)

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Dave was furiously taking notes, trying his best to catch up on all the information that he had missed before starting school. He sighed deeply, beginning to feel as if he'd never be caught up. He put the pencil down when he felt his phone vibrating. He glanced at the teacher who was busy writing away on the blackboard before pulling out his phone. It was a text from Blaine. 

Lima Bean after class?

No car, sorry
Dave quickly looked back up at the teacher, noticing that he was still busy writing on the board. 


Don't worry. I' have a car.


I don't know we have Warbler practice in thirty minutes.


We will make it by then, don't you worry. 


Alright, but we will meet at the front gates.


It's fine, I'll wait for you there, don't you dare to be late, Dave. 


I won't, but if someone gets between me and my destination, I probably will be a few minutes late. 


Yeah, that's fine. A few minutes. I'm about to finish this class, I'll text you when I'm out, okay?


See you soon. 

Dave quickly replied before shoving his phone back into his pocket. He then picked his pencil back up and continued to scribble down notes as his life depended on it. This continued for the next ten minutes until the bell rang. 

Dave collected his things, stuck them in his bag and left the room with the rest of the students. He was too busy sending Santana a text that he didn't even notice the other boy in from of him, who was also not paying attention. The two collided and fell to the floor. 

"Oh, shit I'm-" Dave began but was cut off by a very familiar voice.

"Watch where you're..." The other boy stopped when he saw who he was talking. 


"Dave...you really should watch where you're going" Kurt replied. 

Dave frowned. "You should too!" 

"We aren't talking about me though" Kurt replied. "So, where are you going in such a hurry" 

"Our dorm. I have plans and I wanted to put my things in the room before I go out. Not that you'd be interested in." 

"Plans? With who?" Kurt said, becoming interested. 

"None of your business" 

Kurt frowned. "Whatever," He said as the two began walking in the same direction. 

"Jealous much?" Dave said, kidding. Little did he knew he was right. 

"Hmph" Was all Kurt said. There was an awkward silence before Dave decided to change the subject. 

A New BeginningOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz