31. Football Game

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Jax dragged Sebastian into their father's temporary dorm. "Got him pops," Jax said, flopping down on the sofa.

Leonard nodded. "Your Dean has informed me that you have a football game this Thursday."

Sebastian frowned. He had missed out on a date with Blaine because his father wanted to tell him something he already knew.

Sebastian nodded a little. "Yes, we have a football game this Thursday."

"I suppose I will be there to watch. You better not mess it up." Leonard said, sternly.

Sebastian's eyebrows went up slightly. His father never went to anything that involved him. "Uh yeah, I won't let you down," Sebastian said, a little awkwardly.

Leonard nodded. "Your brother needs a tour of the school. You will do it." He said, in his usual demanding voice.

Jax made a loud, dramatic sighing noise. "Pops, no! I don't wanna spend the day with him. No, he's such a dolt." Jax whined.

Sebastian chocked back a laugh at the word 'dolt'. 

And he thinks he's cool? 

He chose to ignore the part about how his family was trying to pawn him off on each other. He was used to it and he didn't care about their opinions.

"C'mon, let's go," Sebastian said, already beginning to walk out of the room.

He knew there was no way of getting out of giving his brother a tour and the quicker he finished the quicker he could get back to Blaine.

I can't believe I'm missing out on coffee with Dave to babysit my dumb ass brother. 

"So where we goin' now baby bro?" Tyler asked, quickly jogging up behind him.

Sebastian, who was practically running at this point, didn't bother to slow down. "The courtyard. We're starting on the outside then going around the inside. This should only take about ten minutes." Sebastian explained, quickly.

 Alright, if we keep this pace up and only go to the main places I can be done in a few minutes.

"Ten minutes? Bro, it's a big ass school. But whatever, I don't want to spend time with you either." Jax said, shrugging a little.

Sebastian didn't reply. He didn't care enough to reply. About a minute later the two were outside. "Alright. This is the frontcourt, the side courts are on the sides and the back ones in the back. Moving on." Sebastian said, practically running back inside. "Main lobby. In the main lobby is the Dean's office. If you go down the left hallway that's the dorms, the right is the classrooms and down straight is the library, cafeteria, things like that. Are we done here?" Sebastian asked, clearly annoyed.

Jax scoffed. "Whatever. So, who was that fairy who was tryin' to make out with you?" He asked and Sebastian froze a little before realizing that Jax thought Blaine was coming on to him and not the other way around.

"He wasn't coming on to me," Sebastian said, shortly. Sebastian was not about to have this conversation with Jax of all people. He refused to.

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