38. Drama Shows/Sex Ed.

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It had been a week since the incidence with Jeff and Sebastian was over the top worry over his best friend. He looked out of it most of the time and he didn't want to talk about what happened to anyone. It was the end of the week and all the classes had ended, several Dalton students were still hanging around the school for clubs and homework. It was Nicky who called an emergency Warblers meeting, inviting everyone but Jeff.

Wes banged his gavel after everyone had settled in the choir room. "This emergency meeting has been called to order. Senior council member, Nicky Duval, go ahead, the floor is yours."

He gave a nod towards the council. "As most of you know, Jeff had a relapse and now I take care of him more than ever, right now he is in his therapy with Dr. O'Malley but I think that if his brother had not been here and had not fought with him, that relapse would never have existed. The Warblers are a family and as a family, we support each other. Jeff needs us right now. I've tried to talk to him about what happened but he doesn't want to talk about it at all. I suppose we will just have to wait until he's ready to talk about it. But until that happens, I believe we need to cheer him up. He's like a ghost or… or an empty shell and it's just killing me to see him like this. He's always been smiling and laughing up until this past months, but now he's even lost his passion for singing. That's where you Warblers step in. We need to make him smile again. My idea was that we should meet up this evening or tomorrow night to just relax and have fun in an attempt to make him forget about this whole thing for a moment."

"That sounds like a good plan. Where should we hold this get-together?" Dave asked.

"I can hold it. I can talk to my dad, he'll be busy with the game and most importantly he will be at Carole's house, he had been passing time with Finn" Kurt said.

"Sounds good. Say about eight? Can everyone make it tonight?" Dave asked. He got several murmurs in agreement and a few "I'll be there early babe, so ill help you with the things."

"It's a plan. Nicky, let Jeff know. Alright, 8 o'clock at Kurt's. Blaine, could you bring your guitar with you?" Wes said and Blaine nodded at him. "Great. Meeting dismissed."

The Warblers began gathering their stuff and leaving the room. Just as Kurt was about to get up, Dave called his name. Kurt walked over to him and sat next to him.

"Want to get some coffee?" Dave asked. "My treat."

Kurt smiled and grabbed his bag before following Dave out of the choir room.

When Sebastian and Blaine arrived at Kurt's house, the party had already started, even though they were only fifteen minutes late.

Nathan was playing guitar and singing with Frank and Terry Fireflies by Owl City. David was trying to teach Wes some pop-and-lock moves but failing. Several other Warblers were sitting on a couch and chatting. Trent, Flint, Jeff, and Nick were watching a Spanish soap-opera on a big flat screen without any subtitles and they were making up their own dialogue.

"No, don't leave me!" Trent dramatically cried "Even though you are probably my half-brother who has an evil child who will be the end of me one day, I still want to make passionate love to you!"

"No, Annabelle. Not in that shirt." Nick said. Just then, the man on the screen ripped the girl's shirt off.

"Did you know I'm actually a doctor? Well, you're late for your tonsil check-up, let me just examine them with my tongue." Jeff said. He turned to Trent and Flint and said "Cue the porn-music!" They started to hum a cheesy porn tune.

"Wait… Wait! Is this going to black out?" Nick asked.

"No, don't black out, let us see some action! Don't black out!" Flint cried.

When the screen blacked out and it switched to another scene, the guys cried out in frustration while Sebastian just laughed.

"No, not those boring office scenes, you can't make as much fun of those!" Nick sighed.

Dave and Sebastian joined the other boys in front of the flat screen. Sebastian sat next to Jeff and gently touched his upper-arm and gave him a warm smile. Jeff took Sebastian's hand and gave it a slight squeeze and mouthed to him 'thank you'. They broke apart once Trent and Flint started doing their dialogue again, only this time with a bad Spanish accent.

"No, Estelle, give me the tacos! Me no gusta!" Flint shouted at the TV, making Jeff laugh so hard.

Mike, was the last one to arrive. He brought six boxes of pizzas with him. The Warblers all gathered in the seating area and began eating. Somehow, their conversation turned into a big discussion over sex-ed.

"I mean, I just don't understand why Dalton doesn't teach sex-ed. It's stupid, sooner or later there will be a pregnancy case." Trent pointed out.

"Oh, Trent…" Sebastian said in a sweet voice. "Did your mommy never teach you that guys can't get pregnant?"

Trent shot Sebastian a look. "What I meant was: It won't be long until there will be some baby-daddy-drama in Dalton. God forbid if it's with a girl from Crawford Country Day."

"But what about the gay guys at the school? I'm pretty sure it's less likely that they'll get 'the talk'." Blaine said. Some guys nodded in agreement.

"I got 'the talk' from my dad. Although, I didn't listen very well." Kurt added.

"How did you not listen? You've never gotten sex-ed, have you?" Mike asked.

"The internet, there's nothing you can't find there. In fact, I'll give you a whole class of sex-ed in a minute right now." Flint said.

He stood up and walked over to the shelves, despite some of the guys' protests, and picked two small statues of animals. He then sat again in his seat and held the two animals in front of him.

"This," he held up a deer "is Wes. He may not be horny, but at least he has antlers."

Wes covered his face in his hands and murmured "Oh please, just stop."

"And this," he held up a black panther "is David. I chose this because it looks like it can do back-flips. Now, Wes and David love each other very, very much. Wes and David do not want to get any STDs so they have to use protection. They, with the help of Mr. Lube, will make sweet, sweet love. Then they'll grow up, move to someplace where they can get married, adopt three kids who all grow up in show-business and live happily ever after. The end."

Kurt and Dave looked at each other, mainly cause since they became boyfriends they haven't had any sex.  But they have talked that they wanted kids if their relationship lasts in the future.

Most of the Warblers were laughing. Wes was blushing harder than ever and David was covering his face, shaking his head. Jeff had a soft smile on his face which lasted throughout the evening.

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