32. Fight or Flight

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After a while Sebastian finally headed back to his room, stopping off at a guest restroom to wash the tear stains from his face before heading upstairs. Sebastian Smythe was not about to let anyone know he had spent the last hour crying. Smythe's were tough; they have no weaknesses and they certainly do not cry.

Sebastian wanted nothing more than to lay in his bed and sulk the rest of the day. He figured with all the shit that was currently surrounding his life he deserved a little bit of time to himself. Of course, Sebastian was not a lucky person.

Just as he got on his floor he ran into Blaine. "Oh...hi..." Sebastian said, awkwardly.

"Hi, Sebastian," Blaine said, looking just as awkward as Sebastian felt. "I should..." Blaine said, trailing off for a moment, before looking down at the ground. "I should probably go." He said, starting to walk past Sebastian.

"Wait," Sebastian said, sounding almost desperate as he grabbed the sleeve of Blaine's jacket. Blaine turned around and for the first time during their awkward encounter, looked him in the eye, looking almost confused. "We need to talk," Sebastian said, making the confused look in Blaine's eye go away. "There are some things I need to explain about my family," Sebastian said.

Blaine nodded a little, actually starting to feel a little happy that Sebastian was finally willing to give him an explanation as to why he had been acting so different lately.

"Go on," Blaine said.

"Yeah, uh, right..." Sebastian said, sighing a little. "Look, Blaine, you know me. You know I'm not good with feelings and emotions and all that shit. I'm a Smythe. We were raised differently than most lovey-dovey shitty families like yours..." Sebastian said, earning a hard look from Blaine. "Uh no offense...sorry...but, like I was saying, I'm not really good with that kind of uh...shit..." Sebastian said, making Blaine chuckle a little. "What?" Sebastian asked, confused. "Why are you laughing!? I'm trying to bare my fucking heart out over here! Asshole." Sebastian said, half heartily.

Blaine waved him off. "Sorry, sorry, it's just...You're, I don't know, usually so good with your words and now you're just having diarrhea of the mouth all over the place. It's hilarious." Blaine said, laughing a little harder.

Sebastian frowned a little. "Whatever. You're just ruining the moment! Now, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted." Sebastian said, pausing a short moment to give Blaine a dramatic, over-the-top, glare. "What I'm trying to say is that I really...I uh...Look, Blaine..." Sebastian said, leaning in closer to Blaine. "I really like father," Sebastian said, suddenly, jerking away from Dave.

Dave looked behind him only to see Leonard Smythe hovering over the two boys, glaring at both of them.

Leonard turned his attention to Sebastian. "So he's the faggot you've been wasting your time on," Leonard said in a harsh tone, motioning his head towards Blaine.

Blaine physically flinched. The last time he was called a faggot was years ago when his father beat him up and got him in a puddle of blood. Memories that Blaine had thought he finally begun to bury began rushing towards the surface.

Sebastian gulped a little. "Father, no, it isn't like that. Blaine's straight." Sebastian lied, quickly.

Blaine shook a little from a mixture of sadness, fear, and anger boiling inside him.

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