9. Nothing Else Compares (Part 2)

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The four boys got out of Sebastian car, Dave grabbed his bags from the trunk, and went into the building.

"Come on, to the office first to find out which room is yours exactly," Nick said, leading the way, followed closely by Jeff. Sebastian and Dave followed shortly after. 

"Those two are attached by the hip" Dave commented. 

"I've only seen them apart once, maybe twice," Sebastian said, grabbing one of Dave's bags from his hands and carrying it. 

"You don't have to...I mean, I can carry them myself." Dave said feeling the heat on his face rising. 

"I know," Sebastian said. 

The rest of the short walk was spent in silence. When the four finally did reach the office Dave mentally thanked God he had ever heard of for making the awkwardness end. 

"Hi ma'am,  my friend Dave here is new and we're wondering if we could find out where his dorm is," Nick said, putting on his best smile. 

The secretary smiled sweetly at Nick before turning to who she presumed to be Dave. "Full name. Sweetie." 

D-David Karofsky. K-A-R-O-F-S-K-Y" Dave said, spelling it out. 

The secretary typed the name in and a moment later looked back up at Dave. "Oh, you're a Warbler?" 

"Yes, he is!" Jeff said, enthusiastically. 

"Well your room is in Warbler's Hall, of course, and you'll be in room 40 with Kurt Hummel." She said handing Dave a key. "Here's your key. Please try not to lose it" 

Dave nodded. "Thanks," He said, taking the key and turning around to leave the office. "I thought Warbler's Hall was the music hallway." 

"It is," Nick said. 

"Yeah, the Warbler's Hall that we all live at isn't really called 'Warbler's Hall'. Everyone just calls it that since we all (Warblers) live there." Jeff added. 

"Don't you ever get the two mixed up then?" Dave asked. 

"Not really. We never meet in the hallway. We always meet in the choir room. If we're told to meet in Warbler's Hall that just means to go to the common room. Don't worry, it'll all make sense soon enough." Nick said, patting Dave on the back. 

"Wow" Dave said. 

"You're also right across the hall from me and Nicky!" Jeff said, smiling. 

"Oh, God, they let you two share a room!" Dave said. 

"We're just friends" Nick frowned, understanding what Dave meant. 

Dave looked at Nick unbelievingly for a moment before switching the subject. "Kurt..." 

"I know that face very well, Sebastian does that face when he really wants bad a guy" Jeff said. 

"And here we are!" Nick said, pointing to a door that read '40'. Ours is right there" He pointed to a room that had '38' on the door. 

"Where are you?" Dave asked Sebastian.

"A little more down the hall. Room '48'" He said, pointing at no particular door. 

"Cool" Dave said before he put the key in the door and opened it. 

When he walked in and looked around it was obvious which half was his. One half, Kurt, was neatly filled with school books, posters, and other things you would expect to find a room, while Dave's was completely bare. Dave walked over to his bed and put his two bags down. Sebastian put the other one down beside it. "Thanks," Dave said, awkwardly. Sebastian didn't respond. 

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