10. Coffee Orders

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The very next morning Dave woke up to the sound of a blow dryer in the bathroom of his dorm. He quickly sat up on his elbows looking around the whole room. For a moment he had completely forgotten that he had moved into Dalton and was confused as to where he was. His memory came by flooding back to him when he saw Kurt leave the bathroom, completely ready to leave the room. 

"Oh, hi David" Kurt said, smiling. "I am sorry if I woke you up" 

"No, don't worry... I was already up... Where are you going?" Dave said, giving Kurt a once-over.

Kurt laughed. "Well, unlike you, I have class today. But remember, just because you have vacations till Friday doesn't mean you don't have Warbler rehearsal. You probably have football too" Kurt said as he made his way to the door. 

"Yeah, I'll make sure to be there" 

"Good. I don't have class from noon to one today if you'd like we could go and get some coffee or something. Lima Bean?"

"Sounds great. I'll be waiting for noon to be here as soon as possible, thanks Kurt" 

Kurt smiled brightly at Dave. "You welcome. I'll meet you at Lima Bean then?"

"Noon," Dave said as Kurt left the room. 

Dave looked at the clock beside his bed and sighed. It said 9:27 a.m. He had some time before he was supposed to meet Kurt and had absolutely nothing to do. All the other students that he knew there had class and Dave didn't know his way around the school well enough yet to be able to just roam around alone and not get lost. He pulled out his phone and sent Santana a quick text. 

So what exactly is what I'm going to do around here?

Hey, Bear Cub, a lot if you get along with the right people. 

I am by myself, and I don't know half the shit the other students show me.


What I always do, is snoop through your roommate's things? I don't know, who is your roommate anyway? Please tell me you aren't stuck with Sebastian? 

It's Kurt


Lady face? What happened with Bowties?


He got involved with Sebastian and he wanted to be transferred to his room.




Yeah, he...well, I always thought of Blaine as a real intelligent student, but to be with Sebastian, to support his humor, every day to his talking, to his nagging, to his.." 


Alright, alright... I get you...


So how's McKinley?


You miss it here don't you?

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