"does she care?"

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2nd of February

Demi's POV
I found Marsha's number in a drawer in the kitchen. I called her and asked if I could get these two weeks instead of four days to make up with Layla. Marsha went all agressive on me and told me that we couldn't miss the last two weeks without camera's. Then I told her that we already had more than three months of material so that leaving these weeks out wouldn't hurt anybody. I also told her that the camera's could come back on the last day.

Marsha wasn't having it and hung up. Too bad.

It was time to come up with a plan to get Layla to talk to me again. I sat down. I was not gonna put a shitamount of effort in this, because that's basically just ridiculous. After a few seconds I stood up again. I was just gonna walk up to her and talk to her. If that was not gonna work, I'd come up with something better.

I stood up from the couch and made my way upstairs. When I arrived in front of her bedroom, I saw that the door was opened a little. Carefully I pushed it further until I could see if she was in the room or not. It looked pretty empty inside, so I closed the door and went inside the bathroom. I turned on the lights and looked around. I looked on the toilet, even in the toilet for some reason, behind the wall in the middle of the bathroom and in the shower. But she wasn't there either. Confused as to why I couldn't find her, I turned off the lights and closed the door of the bathroom behind me to walk back downstairs afterwards. I stood still in the middle of the hall.

There were like three more options. One option was the kitchen. She could be eating or studying there. The second option was the gym, but if I have to be honest, I didn't expect her to be there since she basically gave up after five minutes the last time she was in there. The third and last option was the garden where none of us has been in yet, so it kinda sounded too good to be true. Despite that, I still made my way too the backdoor. I opened it and walked outside. Suddenly my eyes widened.

We had a pool all this time and we didn't even know? With a puzzled face I slowly walked around the pool and looked at it.

"We have a fucking pool?!" I suddenly heard.

I looked up. Layla stood there, on the other side of the pool, with a blanket around her, holding a box of tissues.

"Where did you come from?" I asked surprised.

"My room." She said as she looked at the pool.

"But I just looked there and you weren't- Ugh, nevermind." I said.

It stayed silent for a few seconds. Until Layla coughed.

"So we have a pool and Marsha didn't tell us?" She asked.

"Yes, apparently." I said.

"What a twat." Layla said.

She held the blanket closer to her body which caused the box of tissues to fall out of her hand. A loud sigh left her mouth as she looked at it.

"Let me pick that up that for you." I said and walked up to Layla.

She held up her hand.

"No need for that. I'm not disabled." She said. She bended down to grab the box from the ground and sniffed twice.

"Are you okay?" I asked worried.

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