christmas' eve

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22nd-24th of December

Layla's POV
The last month has been so far so good. Despite the fact we started over again, Demi and I still had a lot of small arguments about nothing serious. Besides the arguments a lot of good things happened as well. Demi got a call from her manager with the news she'd go on tour next year, Jamie told me he came out as gay to the whole school and my mom called me saying she's on a dating app now.

Demi going on tour next year? I was happy for her but I didn't exactly care.
Jamie coming out to the whole school? So brave, so happy for him and I hope everyone accepts it.
My mom being on a dating app? Cool, I guess. Wish her all the best.

As I was watching my favorite movie on Netflix, Demi ran down the stairs. She jumped on the couch next to me and shoved her phone in my face. With a big smile she looked at me.

"What am I supposed to look at?" I asked.

Demi sighed.

"Don't you see it? It's Christmas' Eve in two days." She said.

My eyes widened.

"Wait, what the fuck? How is it Christmas' Eve already in two days?" I asked.

Demi chuckled.

"Time flies. Anyways, let's go shopping for Christmas." She said.

I turned off the TV and sat straight up.

"Are we allowed to invite family and friends or do we have to spend Christmas' Eve and morning with just the two of us?" I asked.

Demi's smile faded away.

"I didn't think of that.." She said. It stayed silent for a few minutes.

Until Demi stood up and clapped in her hands.

"I don't care about what it says about having people over in the stupid contract. We're gonna invite people and give them the best Christmas dinner they've ever had, okay?" She said.

I stood up and layed my hand on her shoulder.

"Sometimes you have good ideas." I said.

Demi started laughing and walked over to the chair in the corner of the room. We often use that chair to throw our jackets, backpacks, handbags, shoes, scarves and gloves on. She grabbed a random jacket and a random pair of shoes off the chair and threw them in my direction.

"I don't think these are my shoes. Neither is the jacket." I said as I held up the stuff.

Demi laughed.

"I don't care, just put them on so we can go." She said.

"Pff.. Okay, mom." I said.

I put on the shoes and the jacket and walked over to the mirror.

"I mean, I could tell people I'm you and they'd believe me right away. See how much I look like you with these clothes." I said.

Demi came standing next to me. Her eyes widened.

"Damn.." She said while looking at me from head to toe.

I nodded.

"I know right?" I said.

"Wait, something's missing." Demi said.

She walked over to the chair. A few moments later she came standing next to me again. She put a cap on my head. I chuckled.

"Ofcourse, the iconic leather cap." I said.

Demi nodded.

"Now you look like me." She said with a proud look on her face.

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