awkward after all

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20th of January

Layla's POV
All I've been doing this morning, is pacing around the bedroom while Demi was downstairs being herself. The kiss last night was not quite expected and I blew it entirely by saying we're just friends.

I was waiting for Jamie to call me, because I asked him to. After about twenty minutes my phone finally started ringing. I picked up and sat down on the bed. I started biting my nails as my phone was trying to connect with Jamie. After a few seconds his face appeared on the screen.

"Hola." He said.

"Hey. Thanks for calling." I said.

Jamie smiled.

"Always. So, what's up? Why did I need to call you ASAP?" He asked.

"Something happened and I need your opinion."

"Okay.. What happened?"

"So.. Um.. Demi and I.." I started.

I bit my nails again as a nervous sigh came through my nose. Jamie's head came closer.

"You know you can tell me everything, right? I won't judge and I'll be honest with you." He said.

I nodded.

"Okay. Last night Demi and I were sitting in our bed, checking our phones like always. All of a sudden she goes 'hey, let's play a game'. So I agreed to playing with her and we ended up asking each other questions.." I said.

Jamie chuckled.

"Fun! Truth or truth." He said.

I huffed out a laugh and kept on talking.

"Her first question to me was if I'm 100% straight and I gave her an honest answer. Then it was my turn to ask a question. I asked her who her favorite best friend is. Can you still follow it?" I asked as I looked at Jamie who looked at his screen with a puzzled face.

"Yeah, yeah. Carry on." He said.

"She gave her answer and I said I was gonna tweet that. As joke. Suddenly Demi jumps up, slaps my phone out of my hands, sits down on top of me and presses me to the bed saying I shouldn't do that." Jamie's eyes widened.

"Girl, Demi sat down on top of you. I smell some intensity." He said.

I chuckled.

"Don't get too excited, now." I said.

"Okay, okay. Just go on with the story."

"I told her it was her turn again and this is where the story goes slightly different than expected. I wrestled myself out of her hands and locked my eyes with hers. I was about to tell her something, but couldn't because.."


"Because I got myself lost in her eyes. We were literally just staring at each other, but not in an awkward way. And then.. Yeah.. You can probably guess the rest." I said as I lied down on the bed.

Jamie took a bite of an apple and started thinking.

Suddenly he jumped up.

"You guys kissed! Yes! That's it!" He screamed.

My eyes widened as I turned down the volume. Demi wasn't allowed to hear it and even though she's downstairs, she could still hear it because Jamie screams so hard.

"Tell me I guessed it right, please. I'm begging you." He said.

I nodded.

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