meeting the celebrity

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Layla's POV
A few weeks have past and I got permission from my mom and my school. That my mom approved, was expected. But that the school would let me skip school for four whole months had me shook.

Two weeks ago I visited the principal's office. With a nervous feeling I stepped inside. With success.

"You're allowed to go under one condition. You have to make sure you get homeschooled in the four months you're not here. We'll give you some tests to make and when you're back you have to hand them in. Made and corrected." The principal told me.

With a big smile and a plastic bag full of paperwork and what not, I walked outside again.

Yesterday I had an appointment with Marsha and Eric Greenwood. They showed me the contracts and that caused I had a mental breakdown. So first Jamie had to come to help me, but also he couldn't handle it. There were too many rules, too many things to think about. It was all just too much for a bunch of seventeen-year-olds. Then my mom had to come to do it for me. Eventually the contracts were signed and with mixed feelings I got home. Though, I didn't have much time to process the fact it was actually about to happen. Before I knew it, it was the first day of these crazy, adventure-like, four months.

This morning my alarm went off, screaming in my face. I angrily threw my pillow off the bed and grabbed my phone from the ground. For a little while I stared at the time and today's date.

"It's gonna happen. No going back." I said to my own reflection in my phone screen.

I stood up and threw on some clothes. Then I took my heavy suitcases out of my closet and struggled to get them downstairs.

"Hey, baby. Are you excited?" My mom asked when I walked inside the kitchen.

I shrugged.

"I'm kinda nervous. I don't know what celebrity I have to deal with." I said.

My mom nodded understanding. She sat down next to me and started rubbing my back.

"See, I'm really gonna miss you being here when you're gone. So please promise me you'll come out of there alive."  She said.

I locked my eyes with my hers.

"What makes you think I'll die?" I asked.

My mom laughed.

"You know what it is with most celebrities these days. I just want you to look out for yourself. Don't do anything stupid like I did, if you know what I mean." She said.

I nodded.

"I'm seventeen mom. I know what's good for me." I said.

"Good to know. By the way, I bought something for you." My mom said as she stood up.

She opened a cabinet and took a box out of it. She gave it to me. With an excited expression on her face she sat down again.

"What's this?" I curiously asked.

My mom pointed at the box which was enough for me to open it. My eyes widened as I saw what was in the box.

"A new phone?!" I asked in disbelief.

My mom nodded with a smile.

"You've been complaining a lot about your old phone. About it being too small, or too slow. So I bought you a new one." She said.

I immediatly gave her a hug.

"Thankyou so much." I said.

"No problem." My mom said.

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