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<~ Neveh's P.O.V. ~>

"So meet Emma... dad." I say fake smiling. His face, that was a smile, turned into a sympathy look.
"Oh my heavens, I'm so sorry, is that why you called? You need a hug." He said, coming closer, giving me a hug.

"So I tried my powers in her but they are to weak, I thought if we tried my powers and your powers combined, we could help her wake up, can you help?"
"I'll do anything to help this poor woman." He replied.
"Thank you."

We both took all of our mighty to combine our powers. Once we did, we slowly stood up and walked towards Emma's hospital bed and then let the bright purple orb, slowly go into her chest.

I felt her hand twitch... Well that's a start.

<~ Emma's P.O.V. ~>

I hear an unfamiliar mans voice and the same beautiful voice but I am still trying to climb up that's steep walls. I suddenly had a weird feeling in my chest.

"Great I fell. AGAIN!" I shouted, as I fell again. Out of the blue, the floor started to move upwards, towards the blinding light.

"What is happening?" I shout, scared and confused.

As I am through the blinding light, I hear voices more clearly and it was Neveh who has been taking to me the whole time. I opened both of my eyes but the light was to bright, brighter than the one in the dark room.

I opened my eyes before adjusting to the lights. I saw two shocked faces and I was surrounded by similar white walls, with loads of machines. One very familiar face was Neveh and then there was an unfamiliar face of a man who has some of the fame features as Neveh. Im guessing it's her dad.

Fallen Angel {GirlxGirl}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt