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<~ Emma's P.O.V. ~>

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"It's open!" I heard Olivia shout, from inside. I opened the door and got jumped in by her dog.
"Hello Borris!" I shout, on the ground, stroking him as he licks me to death.
"Alright, that's enough," I laughed, getting up from the ground.

I walked into the living room to see Olivia in a fluffy onesie, all cuddled with her cat, muppet.
"You look cozy, don't you?" I say stroking the cat.
"Well it's eleven O'clock (11:00am) what do you expect?" I laughed at her sassiness.
"Come 'ere, I want a hug." I said.
"But I'm cold!" She wined.
"Fine get ready." I warned her. I moved muppet off of her and jumped on top of her.
"Uggh" she grunts. "Ow ow ow! You're hurting me" she shouts. I quickly stood up and laughed.
"That's not funny, it hurt." She said trying to act serious but then laughing and I laugh after her.

"I'll go put the kettle on then." She said getting up, from the sofa, and she walks towards the kitchen, me following her.

I sat at the breakfast table and watched her make our tea.
"So how have things been?" She asked.
"Really good, happier than I've ever been" I said, smiling like a kid who just got ice cream.
"What about you?" I asked.
"Single forever I guess"
"I can't relate..." I smiled. She smacked her hands, on the counter, causing me to flinch.
"YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" She shouted, making me laugh.
"I wouldn't say a boyfriend." I say, nervous because I'm going to come out to my best friend.
"Wait, I'm confused." She said, tilting her head slightly.
"I have a... girlfriend." I said, quietly panicking because she's been quiet for too long.
"So you're gay?" She asked, still confused.
"I don't want my sexuality to be casted as a label." I say, insecure.
"Who is she?" Olivia asked, smiling uncontrollably.
"It's Neveh." I say, a little shy.
"Oh my god, is that why you and her was very close at the trampolining park, it looked like she was about to kiss you." She said, excitedly. I nodded.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so happy, just remember that I'm always by your side no matter what, even if you are in outer space I'll be with you all the way." I smiled at how supportive she is.
"Oh come here Emma, give me a hug." She said. As soon as I fell into her arms, I started to cry.
"It's okay Emma, I accept you, there's no need to worry." She reassured me, stroking my hair.

After talking and drinking my tea with Olivia, we decided to go grocery shopping because she had no food and shopping trips with her are so fun and normally hilarious.

As we get to the car park of Asda I've only realised that Olivia is still in her pyjamas.
"Olive, did you know you're in your 'jamas?"
"Oh shit, I didn't even realised, oh well we're already here." She giggled, and I laughed at how she doesn't care in what she looks like.

"Hop in." She said, pulling a shopping cart out.
"I'll probably break it," I say, laughing but getting in.

She spun me around and kept knocking into people.
"No no Olive, stop, somebody's there!" I shouted as she rammed into the middle aged man.
"I am so sorry, I hope it didn't hurt you."
"Oh it's okay also I love your pjs." He said, winking and pointing at Olivia's clothes. She moved me away from the man.

"Eww men!" I said, laughing.
"Oh stop." She smiled.

As we were driving back to Olivia's house with the food in the back of the car, we decided to listen to music.

Baby there's nothing holding me back,
You take me places that tears up my reputation, manipulate my decisions,
Baby there's nothing holding me back.


We both screamed down Shawn Mendes songs before getting to her house.

"I need to go Olive, see ya soon, love ya." I said hugging her and slipping out the door.

As I walked home, I obviously heard cat calls and wolf whistles but I guess that's what happens when you're walking past horny men. Uggh even thinking about it makes me want to gag. I rolled my eyes at the odd few.

"Neveh, I'm home!" I say walking down the hall.
"Neveh?" I asked, waking to the living to see if she's there.
"Neveh!" I scream, from downstairs.
I walk into our bedroom to see a giant fort and my beautiful girlfriend, sleeping peacefully in it. I already ate dinner at Olivia's. I got back in my pyjamas and culled into Neveh, I felt her hug me back and that instantly made me sleepy. I dreamt about the gorgeous girl, I can call my girlfriend.

This reminded me of my and my best friend charliebateman05

Fallen Angel {GirlxGirl}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora