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<~ Neveh's P.O.V. ~>

"Emma!" "Emma wake up!" Please wake up!" "Please!" I begged in her chest, crying.
"Call 999!" "Please! Call 999" I shout you to the drivers face as I try and wake her up.

"She is still alive!" I say, listening to her breathing, still crying. "Just wake up for me darling." I say, kissing her soft lips.

Not feeling her kiss back, it hurts. I'm scared out of my mind. What if she doesn't survive? What am I going to do? If she does die? I won't be able to live, knowing that she's dead. It scares me.

"There're people here to help you sweetheart. You are going to be okay now." I say as I hear the ambulance sirens. "Help is here darling."

I held her hand in the bumpy ride , as I watch the paramedics do their job. I am still crying. What if she doesn't survive? What am I going to do?

As I pace around the waiting room, I saw a doctor walk out of Emma's medical room. I rushed up to him.
"Is Emma alright? Is she going to survive?" Loads if questions were filling up my head. 'Is she going to die?' Is the scariest thing I could imagine.

"So Neveh, I have good and bad news" he smiled. I was a little angry at why he is smiling, at such a terrible time. I nodded.
"So the bad news is that Emma is in a coma and the good news is that she will survive this." He said like it was nothing. He clearly doesn't care about Emma.
"Do you not care about Emma?" I shouted.
"I don't know what you mean?" he asked, a little scared but confused.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? 'I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN?' MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND IS IN THERE SUFFERING FROM A CAR CRASH AND NOW SHE IS IN A COMA AND HERE YOU ARE ACTING LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED!" I shouted in his face, spitting. He backed away, as I felt a red light shine around me, as well as my giant white wings. i could feel everyone's eyes slowly turning on me as I fell to the ground, woth tears streaming down my face.

Someone tapped my shoulder, I ignored it, I'm in such pain, they tapped me again.
"WHAT!?" I shouted as I stand up and looked towards the people with differnt colour shadows and sized wings. There was small children, teens, adults and even elderly. I was mesmerised. I wasn't alone. I smiled with tears down my face. They all came closer and gave me a group hug.

"You may now visit Emma" the nurse said, trembling with fear. I walked in and immediately burst in tears because I see my true love, with wires coming out of her whole body.
"Hey darling, you are in a coma baby, but you want you to know I am never going to leave you because I love you. I. Love. You. And I will always love you, princess." I say walking up to her bed, holding her hand. I move a strand of hair out of her face and kissed her forehead.
"I heard that when people are in a coma they can hear you. I want you to know that I am not leaving this room, I refuse to leave your side. It's weird that we had a such a good day but I guess everything has to be bad at least once a day." "I never realised how many angels they really are, they helped me Emma." "It's pretty late and I'm quite tired but I'm going to stay up for you because I love you so much." My eyes have started to water again.
"Why does your have to be Emma? Why not me? She has done nothing wrong. Please can someone up there help? Help me please?! HELP HER!" I scream, falling onto my knees, balling my eyes out, while looking up to the ceiling and still holding Emma's hand.

Fallen Angel {GirlxGirl}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu