Chapter 26

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Somehow, the treehouse was still intact. The trunk of the tree was soaked, and the ground was all muddy, but the treehouse was left just as it was.
I was able to find everyone quite easily after Colin left since everything was pretty much at level ground. Spectacularly, everyone had survived.
Vizion was gone. I didn't know how to feel about that. I didn't know if he was dead, or alive. I didn't know whether he was good or bad. I laaughed a bit to myself. Good or bad? The world wasn't that black and white. I mean Shade was planning killing off all life, but even that he had good motives for. At least his brain messed his thought up enough that he thought he was doing the right thing. Even part of me agreed with him. He was right, the world was corupt, but still, that didn't give him a right to slaughter the existence of life itself.
The door swung open. It was Colin, carrying Taylor.
"So, did you figure out what was wrong with him?" I asked.
"You were right about the Darkblood so I just slit his wrists to...whatever they used to call it. Bloodletting or something."
The old technique doctors used to help with sicknessess. They thought getting the 'bad blood' out would fix the problem, but in reality, it had nothing to do with the blood. In this scenario though, it worked.
I looked at Colin, who was now bringing Taylor up to his 'room'. I still needed to get him informed. Still needed to let him know that I was part of Shade's plan. Maybe see if he could try the bloodletting technique on me. That would work, wouldn't it? It would block Shade from using me. But in reality, he probably already had a backup plan for that. He was smarter then Darkmatter, that was for sure.
I walked over to the kitchen. Or, at least what we called the kitchen. It had a fridge, a stove, a microwave, and a few cabinets.
I could've eaten anything from there from how hungry I was, not that we had much. Somehow the Matter-machine was also able to make food, so we had some, but not much.
I just opened the cabinet and grabbed the first thing I saw. Chocolate. Probably not the best choice after not eating for a while, but I needed the energy. I unwrapped it and almost swallowed it whole.
I looked to my right to see Rose standing there, looking at me like a creature in a zoo. That was probably what I looked like to her, stuffing the chocolate down my throat. I didn't care though, I was too hungry. I didn't bother explaining why I did that, or anything. I just grabbed a glass and ffilled it with water.
Colin somehow was also able to set up plumbing with the Matter-machine. I didn't ask how, but I didn't care either. We had food and water, and that's what I needed.
I looked back at Rose who was looking around the treehouse like she was trying to find a new house to buy. That was pretty similar to what was happening, but she didn't really have a choice to stay anywhere else. I promised her if she helped, she got to stay. Not that she would be able to choose a new place.

Finally, I made my way up to the next floor, where my 'room' was. Sleep. I didn't have it in how long? Two days? Three? All I knew was that I finally had time to rest. Close my eyes and sleep. I had worries, but they were all thrown to the back of my mind.
No more Shade.
No more getting home.
No more worrying about survival.
No more "What next?"
No worries.
Just sleep.

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