Chapter 25

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Colin made the first move. He swung his scythe at Darkmatter. Any anger or rage Colin had stored was all being let out now. Darkmatter, of course easily side-stepped to dodge, but Colin was able to react. In a single fluid moment, he spun around, bringing the scythe down over Darkmatter's head. He missed by a bare centimeter.
Then I realized that I was pretty much standing around doing nothing but watch. Me and Colin weren't capable of working as a great team. We weren't synced in such a way so that we could land blow after blow. But still, 2v1 had way better chances of success.
I waited for Darkmatter to do another one of his lazy side-steps before hitting him in gut with a mace. His reaction was one of surprise. He backed up, seeming to almost fall over---but he corrected his stance. He shot another dark-orb at us, and then another, and another. He just went from a show-offish like toying with his 'prey' to a serious attack.
I ran to the side, trying to get away from the dark-orbs, but he kept firing them non-stop. I felt another bit of darkness graze my side. Adrenaline was once again doing its job well by keeping the pain at bay.
I lost my focus on Colin, now solely focused on Darkmatter. The way things were currently going, he was just going to slowly wear me down until the pain was too much for the adrenaline to handle. Wear me down until I was useless. I had to be impulsive again. My whole thing was going in without a plan, and now was seemingly the perfect time to do that. Or at least it felt like it was since there was no other option available.
I threw down a kunai at his feet, and jumped over another darkorb. I felt the blade of darkness slice into my back after it exploded, but it wasn't enough to stop me...yet.
Running full speed at Darkmatter I formed a katana into my hands. He put his focus onto the kunai for the smallest fragment of time, probably just to make sure it didn't hit him. I hoped it was enough time. It had to be enough time.
I cut my sword through the air, aiming right for Darkmatter, and to my surprise, I made contact. I saw and felt my sword glide through his body. It cut right through his arm, and then his waist, before stopping dead-center and shattering. I was shocked mostly. I hadn't thought I had killed him yet, but confusion overwhelmed me for a small bit. Luckily, Colin was still there. He struck Darkmatter, who hadn't moved since I hit him, right at the center where I broke my sword.
The sound of metal against metal rang through the air and Darkmatter flew backwards. The thing was, Colin hadn't hit some body shield. He cut through skin and flesh. Just like my katana had been able to slice through like butter until the center where it shattered.
Colin was obviously able to react faster than me. Before Darkmatter could even hit the ground he ran to hit him again, but was stopped after only a few footsteps, being flung backwards.
Shade now held Darkmatter by his...core. That's the only way I could describe it. The core of Darkmatter's being. It was pitch black. Not like 'I just turned off the lights and can't see' black. No, it was pitch black. Absolute emptiness in a spherical form. Like a mini black hole that lived inside him.
Then that pitch black darkness seemed to fade away right before Shade crushed the sphere into dust.
Shade smirked evilly. "Thanks for your help. You made my job a lot easier"
Then he, as he usually does, vanished.
"Shade just...what?" Colin questioned. At first I thought he was talking to me, but he seemed to just be confused. I was confused too. That darkness inside Darkmatter. What was it? It was, his life. His power maybe?
"You were right about Shade, weren't you?" He asked
I nodded. I could've gone all 'I told you so' on him, which be karma from how angry he got when I first mentioned it to him, but I didn't feel like it.
"And he has a lot more secrets you probably don't know about. But Darkmatter's dead, be happy about that. We shouldn't celebrate too much. Shade still has his plans, but Darkmatter is gone. Be happy"
He smiled and we both took a few deep breaths.

After gaining our composure, Colin was the first to speak.
"You might want to put that on" He gestured toward my somehow still in one piece bandana. "The media is probably gonna come soon. First a tornado, then a tsunami. Both without warning. The last thing we want is our faces to be the main focus of cameras"
I complied, putting the bandana around the bottom half of my face. Something told me I looked like a wanna-be-badass, which was probably true. I most likely looked ridiculous, but what Colin said made sense.
"So, what is our next plan of action? Try to help Taylor? Find Jacob and everybody, go after Shade, or what?"
"Unless you have any clue about where Shade is we can't do anything about him. He could be out, already working on his plan, but I doubt it. I'm sure he's not planning on doing it all by himself. We have time to recuperate. I'll go get Taylor. Try to find everyone and bring them back to the treehouse, or, whatever's left of it"

The Unknown Heroes(Manuscript)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora