Chapter 11

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After settling down at the treehouse, Jacob explained to us what had happened after the Power plant got destroyed. Apparently most of the time he was on the run. After it blew apart, he fell down with the rest of the class, but the impact blew him towards a wall, which collapsed and left him trapped for a few minutes. He would have never been able to get out, but DarkMatter came and unburied him, probably thinking he was unconscious. When Jacob saw DarkMatter wearing his mask, his fight or flight instinct kicked in, and he narrowly escaped DarkMatters grasp. After that he was on the run for about a day, trying to make his way back home. He was stopped in his tracks when he ran into a mysterious person, looking about 17. He ran into him somewhere near a cave Jacob was going to go into hoping to get some shelter from the rain. The person wore all black with a stainless steel chest plate. He held a machete in each hand, and each machete was colored by what Jacob described as Deaths favorite color. After listening to his description of the guy, Colin told us his name. It was Shade. He was loyal to DarkMatter, without even needing to be brainwashed, and would not hesitate to kill.

Apparently, Shade had grabbed Jacob and pulled him into the cave. He was unable to escape and watched as Shade moved his fingers on the wall, looking like he was typing a code. Then a loud metallic screech echoed throughout the cave, before the ground beneath him slowly moved downward, as if it were an elevator. Beneath him was a city. Everything was illuminated. There were buildings that went from ground level, which seemed to be over a thousand feet beneath him, reaching up to the actual ground which had hundreds of giant stalactites hanging down from it, all decorated in some kind of roped lighting. He said that he attempted to ask Shade what the mysterious underground city was, but he stayed silent the whole time.

Shade dragged him down into one of the smaller buildings and locked him up in handcuffs on both his wrists and ankles. Jacob stayed there for a day with no light except when Shade would open the door and bring him some food to eat. He woke up the next day with a bright light shining in his eyes. His legs were uncuffed and he was forced to walk behind the same guy who had attacked him from the rubble during the power plant explosion--DarkMatter. Eventually, he broke free of Shades grasp and ran off into the city.

As he ran down the streets he noticed that the entire place was quiet, aside from the footsteps of Shade and DarkMatter behind him. Nobody nor soul made an appearance. He picked up his speed, running as fast as his legs could carry him, but that was when he noticed something was different. He was running at least 30 miles per hour, zooming past houses and buildings. He turned a corner and dropped onto the cement, sliding across the ground. He weakly picked himself up and hid inside of a building right beside him. He held his breath, not wanting to be heard, and collapsed into the corner of the room. After about 10 minutes, he stood up, knowing he was going to need to make an escape. Still handcuffed, he opened the door slowly and peeked through to see if DarkMatter or Shade were anywhere nearby. Luckily they werent anywhere in sight.

He bolted out of the building, running in the direction of the elevator he had come down in. He eventually reached it and broke open a box that was built into the wall. It had wires inside of it and he went to grab the wires, trying to hotwire it and make the elevator come down, but the moment he grabbed one the box short-circuited and the elevator started to move up and down on its own. He jumped on and ran out of the small cave. He just kept running until he found himself at the intersection. One moment a cars about to hit him, and the next hes in our Jeep. That was all he remembered.

Colin stood up the moment Jacob stopped talking

Everyone, get up. I know the place hes talking about. Were headed to Galactica.

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