Chapter 24

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I was just getting down from the roof of a building for a vantage point when I noticed it. A wave. It was far off, but still it was big---big enough for me to notice it from so far away. A tsunami. Was that their plan? Wipe everything out with a tsunami?
"How big do you suppose it'll end up being?"
I spun around. It was Shade again.
"Why do you keep following me?" I asked, annoyed.
"Because you, are an important piece to my plan, and I am trying to make sure things don't fall apart" He paused. "The darkblood in your system has been more active. You must already be at 50% by my guess. Hell, I can see some physical changes. I mean, look at your hair!"
I grabbed at a bit of my hair, but I couldn't see anything except my dyed tips, and I didn't feel like pulling out a tuft of my hair to see what he was talking about.
"What are you trying to do Shade?"
"My plan you mean? I already explained to you about your untapped potential. I believe that you're still useful, even though you constantly tell me how you'll never help. I mean, you saw what happened to Taylor, right? That was just a controlled 80% darkblood in his system. For you, it's uncontrolled. Think about what happens when you reach one-hundred percent. Whether you like it or not, you'll still end up helping me"
I stayed silent for a bit, surprised. He could easily be lying to me, but something wanted me to believe him. Something told me he wasn't lying.
"So that's why you've been following me. I'm your special tool"
"Sure, if that's the way you wanna look at it"
"What other way-" I started, but he already vanished.
I sighed. The fucker was so analytical. There probably wasn't any hole in his plan. He had everything going his way.
Then I realized how easily I was believing him. There was something about him, that was just so convincing. Everything could be a lie, and I wouldn't even be able to tell.
I spun back towards the ocean. The wave was fast approaching. The tide had already vanished. There was no possible way to stop the wave. I just had to survive it.
But what about the rest of the city. Most must have evacuated after the tornado, but I would think some people remained. I was cut off from outside connection. And what about my friends? Taylor was still unconscious inside of Darkmatter's lair. I mean, I suspected with the way it was built, he should be fine, but everyone else was stuck out in the open like me. We may have healing, but we could still die. We could still drown.
I looked back at the wave. It was big. It wasn't as big as the ones you would see in those end of the world disaster movies, but it was still big. 48 meters at the very least.
Panic finally began to set in as I realized my own position. I was only about 60 meters up. The wave would knock down this building easily, especially considering the damage it had already taken.
Thoughts flew into my head, and left just as fast. I started pacing back and forth, trying to think of a plan of action. There was no way I could outrun this, even with my speed. What could I do?
Suddenly the building shook and I froze in terror. Then it started to tilt. I ran for the railing, grabbing hold of it and hoisting myself over, hanging off the edge. I wanted to be ready if the building gave way and began flipping over.
The water was rushing into the building, hitting it full force. A sudden memory popped up of one time when I was bored online. A tsunami safe building. It was curved so that the water could rush around it, lessening the pressure from the water. This building wasn't like that. It was generic. Nothing special apart from being tall and square.
Finally the building tore away from whatever anchor point it had to the ground, and got swept away in the rushing water.
I felt myself get pulled with it, as I struggled to hold onto the railing. But then, the building started tilting backwards, toward where I was hanging off of. It was falling in my direction, while I still clung to it like a scared cat. It was plummeting towards the water, ready to crush me between it and the waves. I thought I was being smart by holding onto the edge like that, thinking that once the building flipped I would be on the top. Instead the building flipped the other way, and my 'genius' idea, was going to get me killed.
Suddenly I felt the crushing force of the water hit my back. It was painful, but with what happened in the last few days, I had felt worse. Pain was still pain though.
The freezing water seemed to rush up past me, either that or I was sinking down.
I was able to pump my arms and legs again. I tried swimming up, but I couldn't tell which way that was. Then something hit me, coming from the side. It pushed me up and out of the water. I tried breathing, but my lungs seemed to stop working. I couldn't take a breath. Then I was back underwater. I swam back to the surface, my lungs screaming for the oxygen they just passed up and taking in a second ago.
Air. I sucked in the air. For just a brief second, relief washed over me. I wasn't dead yet.
I opened my eyes, trying to see my surroundings, but everything was so blurry.
Something else hit me, slamming right into my ribcage. This time, it hurt a lot more. I wanted to scream, but I was already choking on the air from the sudden impact. Then I was under water again. I swam back to the surface and began searching for anything floating I could grab on to. I just needed to regain my senses and then make my way to something with a sturdy attachment to the ground. I knew what would happen next. Probably information I learned from the obsession with Natural Disasters I had as a kid. The water was going to be sucked back to sea. It was obvious information, but in situations like these, unless you're prepared, the idea won't come to mind until it's already too late and you can see what's happening.
Finally, I felt my hand hit something solid. I clung onto it, and began to wipe my eyes enough so that I could see my surroundings.
The sight was awful. The water was still rushing ahead of me, without signs of slowing down. Everything was destroyed. It was worse than the tornado, probably because the sky was more clear, allowing more visibility. I could even see some bodies floating along with the current of the water. Not everyone left after the tornado. It was stupid to hope no one would die I supposed, but it still hurt knowing how high the death count could potentially be.
I began searching for a stop sign, or a tree, or anything I could grab onto that was still attached to the ground, but I couldn't find anything. Everything had either been swept away by the current, or submerged under the insanely huge wave.
Then I noticed it. It was barely visible with all the wreckage surrounding it, and the water almost covering it completely, but it was still there. It was the top of a traffic light, or, I least that's what I guessed it to be.
Immediately, I pushed myself off the piece of building, or whatever I had been holding on to, and began swimming towards it, not taking my eyes off of it. It was so small, being mostly covered by water, and hard to see, and if I missed it, well, it was possible it was my only chance at not getting sucked out to sea.
I swam as fast as I could, moving with the current, knowing that moving against it would slow me down. I reached out and grabbed it, holding onto it like it was my only lifeline. But that's pretty much exactly what it was. My only chance of survival. I went to grab it with my other hand, but I felt my fingers wrap around something sharp. It was the broken glass from the light.
I reeled my hand back, and almost let go from the sudden shock, but I kept my grip. I didn't dare let go.
I looked at my hand, which was covered in both mud and blood. My fingers were slit all over, and there was a huge gash in the center of my palm. It stung, but I knew it would heal without issue. I guessed it was karma for what I did to Taylor.

Soon enough the current finally started slowing down to a halt. Then it all came rushing back. The current formed back, rushing towards the ocean. I held onto the light, afraid to get swept away again. I could feel as small bits of debris hit my back, but I was lucky I never got hit by anything major. Slowly, the water subsided, and i was able to lower myself back down to solid ground.
I looked around at the destruction. I should've been dead. Why wasn't I dead?
I literally had been sandwiched. I should've been crushed. What type of survival capabilities had Dr.Da put in to me? Everything was destroyed. Almost every building in the city, except for those around the edges which hadn't been damaged by the tornado, was leveled. This was the power Natural D had. The power that Darkmatter and Shade had under their control.
Suddenly, I noticed something in the distance. It looked like another body, but as I focused my attention on to it, I began to notice some features. The black cape. The curly orange hair. It was Colin.
I ran over to him, trying not to trip on all the debris scattered over the ground. I slide down next to him and started to shake him, not knowing what else to do. It was life sudden emotions overcame me. Emotions that should of made themself present after my memories were first returned. Emotions I should've felt days earlier, but didn't. Instead I was feeling them now. Now as the sudden thought of my friend possibly being dead flashed into my mind.
"COLIN! Get the hell up!" I shouted. Even now, anger was reaching into my actions.
Almost immediately, he moved, so fast I wasn't able to keep up with his movements, into a stance so that he held his scythe to my throat. Then he lowered it and spoke.
"Yeah. I almost thought you were dead there. What happened with you?"
He took a breath before answering, seeming as if he was trying to remember. "I'm not completely sure. The tsunami came out of nowhere just as I found Natural D. I went in to attack him, but something struck me from the side. Then, I guess I lost consciousness or something."
"You would think you would have drowned if you blacked out there."
"I'm not sure how that works, but I'm okay. I'm not dead. Neither are you. How's Taylor?"
"I'm not sure. He seemed enraged. He attacked me and I had to knock him back out. I think it has to do with the darkblood" I half-lied a bit. I didn't think. I knew.
He paused for a bit before replying. "We'll have to deal with that later. We have to find Darkmatter before he can command Natural D to cause anymore damage"
I nodded, and almost as if planned to strike at the mere mention of his name, another one of Darkmatter's 'dark-orbs' flew straight towards Colin and I. With barely a second to react, I just dove away in hopes of evading it. The orb blew apart in some weird explosion, in the fashion of a grenade. Some of the darkness, ripped through my shoulder, causing an intense burning sensation on the spot it hit.
I was already picking myself up when Darkmatter began talking. "Still alive?"
Colin laughed a bit. "You have impeccable timing y'know"
Darkmatter gave nothing for a reaction, not even a hint for one. He wasn't like Shade, he wasn't here to talk. He was here to kill.

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