Chapter 20

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After explaining the current situation to Jacob and Nathaniel, they both agreed to help us out. And still Colin wouldn't took what I was saying into consideration. It was like nothing of what I said mattered. He didn't want to go save Taylor, and he wouldn't listen to me when I warned about Shade. He said to wait. Once someone from Darkmatter's side advanced, then we take them out, one by one. It pissed me off. It didn't made sense why he didn't wanna listen to me. Did he remember me as a liar or something? It seemed like we were just arguing all the time. It didn't make sense. I walked outside. If no one wanted to help Taylor, I was. I took a breath and tried thinking. Thinking of the current moment. Thinking of how to get Taylor. Asking myself why my life turned upside down. I should have been inside resting, but instead I wasn't even giving myself a break. I began getting lost in thought, totally forgetting about what I was doing. When was the last time I slept? I probably needed rest. I was overworking myself. I couldn't even remember when I last ate. Maybe it was stupid trying to go after Taylor like this. Not only would I be going alone, but I would be going in weak as well. Maybe I was stupid though.
I walked down the stairs and began making my way back to the city. From there I would be able to find my way to the cliff Taylor and I came from. The place where all our trouble started. But I had to go on foot. I didn't have the Matter-Machine, or whatever Colin had called it, to make a vehicle. And even if I did, it would make too much noise and I'd be caught. If I was caught, well, Colin obviously wouldn't let me go. So walking it was.
It would've been the perfect time to have music. Music was my safe place. The place I would go when I was stressed. A place I would go when bored. Or somewhere I would go when heading down a long path. Just plop in earbuds and daydream. It was more of a place inside my mind, not actually anywhere physical. It sucked that I didn't have music. Punk Rock. Piano. JRock. J-Rock... Anime. The only person I could talk to about anime was Taylor, but he was gone. Somewhere. Maybe dead. My brain seemed to stop for a second. That thought. The thought of him being dead. It passed through my mind like such a mundane thing. How much did I care? I mean Taylor was my closest friend, but that didn't mean that we were actually close. Why did his death pass through my mind so easily? He was my friend. I should've been worried. I mean, I was worried, wasn't I? Why else would I be going to save him? I had no other reason. None except for... boredom. My sense for adventure. My want for adrenaline. Was I an adrenaline junkie? Was that why I was going to 'save' Taylor? Just to get into a fight? No, I avoided fights. I couldn't even stand arguments. But I was getting into arguments constantly lately. Almost as if I wanted them. Ever since I got out of Darkmatter's quote on quote lair, I've been like that. I've been more aggressive. Less afraid to fight for my opinion. More open to fighting. More impulsive. Now I was searching for a fight that could end with me dead, just for what? Adrenaline? I was being reckless. And I didn't even care about it.
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up. Shade was there. Behind him was another guy. I didn't recognize him, but he was obviously following Shade around.
"I bet you it's darkblood" He repeated.
"Your aggression. That's what you were thinking about, right? I bet you it's because of the darkblood in your system."
"I thought I didn't have that. And how can you tell what I'm thinking? Can you read minds too?"
"I saw it on your face and put the pieces together. And I never said you didn't, I just meant it wasn't all there. Based on this though, I was right. I'd say the darkblood cells have taken up around 35% of your body's blood, give or take"
"Okay, whatever. What do you want. I'm guessing you specifically ran into me, or actually, had me run into you for a reason"
He turned around to show the guy behind him. He had dark skin, average height, and was a bit chubby.
"I want you to fight Vizion here"
"I thought your goal was to have a reset on the world because of the way humans ruined it. I'd say violence and fighting isn't that much of a good thing. I mean, have you heard of crimes?"
"Ah, yes, but have you heard of boxing? It's a sport. The fight is agreed upon by both sides. There's not that much wrong in that."
"So you expect me to agree to a fight? What makes you think I would? And why would you even want to?"
"Boredom. I'm bored honestly. Darkmatter's launching his 'big plan' in a few hours, and I'm bored. And why would you agree? Because you're bored too, aren't you? And this is a way to cure it."
I looked down, both angry and disappointed in myself. He was right. I nodded my head slightly.
"Great! The fight starts now"
I immediately jumped into action, and it seemed Vizion did the same. He shot a green laser at me, and I dodged to the side. That seemed to be his power. Shooting lasers out of his hands. Not his eyes like his name would suggest. Another laser, and an easy dodge. I was lucky to be fast. It came in handy, especially when dodging things. I realized that Vizion was trying to keep me at bay. Maybe he knew my powers. I never really tried anything other than melee weapons. That's all I used. I always liked melee weapons. Modern or historical. Maybe that explained why I never tried more. Now though, I would need something different. I may be able to dodge Vizions lasers with ease, but trying to get in close would be difficult, especially if I didn't have range.
A gun? No, didn't work. Anything at all? A throwing star maybe? Suddenly, I felt a weight in my hand. It worked.
Another laser flew at me and I dodged to the left, throwing the shuriken as I did so. I followed the shuriken with my eyes, trying to make sure it hit Vizion. Bad idea. It hit him in the leg right before an extreme pain ran throughout my entire body. It didn't last too long, but it was excruciating. In that small gap of time, Vizion was already shooting more lasers. Luckily for me, he was on the floor. Either he couldn't stand, or he knew trying would take too long. The lasers were also different now. They had changed from a bright orange to a sickening green. I didn't know what it meant, but I couldn't get distracted in thought. Vizion was still fighting.
I formed a knife in my hand. I had more practice with throwing knives the shurikens. It would be faster and easier.
I dodged another laser. He was firing crazily now, almost desperately. I took a quick second to line up to my target before throwing it. If his hands were the issue, they were the best things to neutralize. No hands, no lasers.
I looked back at Vizion looking for any attacks. Nothing. My attack hit and he was attempting to pull the knife out of his wrist, but to no avail.
I looked around, but Shade was already gone. I sighed and made my way to Vizion forming another knife into my hand. I wasn't going to kill him, and I wasn't going to leave him for dead. I didn't know what was going on in his head, and I didn't know what he had gone through. I smiled a bit. I wasn't being as rude as I had been before after almost being killed by Nathaniel. That had to be a good thing.
As I approached him, he looked at me scared. He was still ready to fight, just injured. He hadn't been injured like this before, I realized, it was new for him. Before, he could do anything, I moved to a better angle and hit over the head with the butt of the knife.
Luckily for me, he went out cold with only one hit.
I looked at his injuries. I wasn't a doctor, and had no idea how to treat them. It's usually told that you should leave things like knives inside if you've been stabbed. It keeps things from bleeding any worse. The only difference was that Dr.Da seemed to like putting some form of extra healing in his 'subjects'. So I ripped a piece of cloth from my sleeve, took out the knife in his wrist, and wrapped the cloth around it. According to Shade, I healed my broken back in around 6 minutes. If Vizion had healing like that, the cloth wouldn't even be needed, but I took the extra caution anyway.
I deformed the knife and had a sudden thought. A few hours. That's what Shade said. In only a few hours Darkmatter was putting his plan into action. I needed everyone else for this. I always told myself I wanted to be a hero. Now I needed to be one. In only a few hours. I quickly propped Vizion up against a tree, leaving in the throwing star to make sure he wouldn't be able to wander far, and took off in a run back to the treehouse.

The Unknown Heroes(Manuscript)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن