Chapter 3

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I gasped for air. We reached the shore. I crawled on the sand and rolled on my back. I just layed there staring at the sky, I was exhausted. I gave myself a moment to gather my thoughts.
What did the man mean by gifts? Why are we a part of this? What's going on? Why were we kidnapped?
I quickly sat up, blocking the thoughts from my mind. I couldn't think about it without it hurting my head. Then I realised something.
"How are we gonna get home?" I asked Taylor
He just looked at me with a grim look on his face. Neither of us knew where we were, and we sure as heck didn't know how to get home. For the first time in our lives, we were alone. We walked along the streets looking for something to tell us where we were, and luckily for us, we found a subway station. We were in Atlantic City. Miles away from where we lived.

We walked back up the stairs not knowing what to do, and we didn't have a lot of time because it was starting to grow dark out.
"We should find somewhere to sleep first" Taylor suggested
He was right, we couldn't just go and walk around, we had to get a roof over our heads, but we looked suspicious because our clothes we're ragged, and we didn't have any money so we couldn't rent an hotel room.
"We should, but how, we have no money, and i'm sure as heck no one is going to let us in there house." I replied
"Remember that old channel you found, about surviving in the wilderness or something?"
"Oh yeah, I still remember some of that stuff, we better hurry though, it's getting dark.
I spotted a wooded area nearby, and we hurried over.

Within an hour we had a small hut made out of sticks and covered in some clay, with a small fire pit to the side. It wasn't much, but at least we had a roof over our heads.
"What if he finds us?" I asked Taylor
"He was blown up he's probably dead"
"Yeah, well we were blown up too, and we survived."
"Well let's hope he doesn't find us than."
I crawled into the small hut, and laid down on the clay surface I made as a bed.
I woke up to the smell of something burning. I opened my eyes. The bunker we had made was on fire. I looked for Taylor but he was gone. I picked myself up, and dived out the small exit. I started coughing, probably from all the smoke that had entered my lungs. I looked around me, the whole forest was on fire. There was smoke everywhere, and then heat was unbearable. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Taylor run towards me.
"Why did you leave me for dead!?" I yelled at him
"I didn't! But we have to get out of here, I'll explain later!"
I covered my mouth with my hand and started running. Suddenly a flaming tree branch crashed in front of us, and just using my reflexes, I dived over it, landed on my hands, and rolled. I kept running, but in my head I was wondering how I had did that. For years I have tried to learn a dive-roll but I couldn't do it for the life of me, or maybe I could because now that my life depended on it, I successfully dove, and rolled.

I broke through a patch of bushes and noticed that I was on the edge of an huge hill. I placed my foot down to stop myself, but instead my foot glided through the air. I felt the air rush by me as I fell through the air. I felt myself hit the ground. I slowly picked myself up with shaky arms, and sat down on the edge of the sidewalk. My whole body was in pain. I looked at myself. I had a huge gash on my right knee, and a huge bruise that seemed to cover the entirety of my right leg. My left arm had blood dripping from an unknown place, on my right arm I had an huge scrape running down from my shoulder to my hand, and my head felt like it had exploded.

I saw Taylor break through the bushes, I shouted for him to stop but it was too late, I watched as he fell down the hill in the same fashion I did. He landed with hard against the ground. Luckily for him he hit grass instead of pavement. I helped him up. We looked back up at the forest. It was horrific, but at the same time there was a small bit of beauty in it. The fire was everywhere, but the flames were hypnotic. I felt horrible, but we couldn't do anything about it.
"I caused this.." Taylor said quietly
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know, I was just practicing self-defense, just in case we encountered that creep again, I closed my eyes for 2 seconds, and when I opened them, I had a sword in my hand that was set on fire. I threw it to the ground in surprise and it lit the forest on fire."
I stopped to think.
"It just appeared, in your hand, out of nowhere?"
"Yes, I know it sounds stupid, but i'm telling the truth."
I thought back too when we were in the weird bunker that we escaped from. I was in danger and needed to defend myself, and out of nowhere, a sword appeared in my hand.
Then I remembered the creep that brought us to the cave, and what he said to us, "without knowing how to use your gifts yet"
I thought about it for a few more seconds, it didn't make sense, it was physically impossible, but then again, a guy that breaks through a hospital window 50 feet off the ground, kidnaps us and brings us to a secret cave built into a cliff side, that holds people made of pure darkness, or wear some sort of pitch black material and can disappear into thin air if injured should be impossible too, and the chance that it happened to us right after we were in an explosion, must've been small. So I had no idea what to believe.
Taylor interrupted my train of thought
"We should get out of here before we get in trouble for the fire."
He was right, two kids with burnt clothes running out of a forest that was on fire looked suspicious, so we picked ourselves up, and ran.

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