Chapter 19

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"Okay, I don't know how well this is going to work on you. You were more put under control then you were memory wiped, so I don't know if this will help or not."
"We can try"
Then Colin pulled the trigger. A bright light. Then nothing. Seeker remained still for a bit.
Apparently Darkmatter 'adopted' him. At least that's what he said. Colin was granting him mercy. It was a surprise. I mean, it shouldn't have been, but Colin had changed since he first became my friend. Now he was darker; hardened like a person after war. I honestly thought that Colin wouldn't hesitate to kill him. Then again, he had gone through something similar to Seeker. And who could blame someone who had their memories messed with and almost hypnotized in a way.
"So?" Colin asked
Seeker shook his head. "I barely remember anything"
"I think my name is Nathaniel, or something"
He had a name. Good. It made him seem more human, and less, well I didn't know. But it gave him personality.
"So, what now?" I asked "Darkmatter is still planning some crazy thing to take control. Shade is planning on killing everyone. And Taylor is still, well, who knows where they brought him!"
I was getting angry for some reason. I didn't know why. It didn't make sense. I was starting to yell too. Yelling wasn't my thing. I didn't like arguments. I avoided them as if they held the power to send me to hell.
I turned to Seeker. "And what exactly are you doing? Why exactly are you here? WHat do you plan on helping us? Right after trying to kill us? I'm sorry to sound rude, but I don't trust you. You've tried killing me multiple times!"
Colin seemed to not like this. "What the hell now!? Knowing you, you would be glad to have him help us!"
He was right. Normally I wouldn't care he tried to kill us. Normally I wouldn't even get into an argument. Normally I would've trusted him without a second thought. So why now was this different?
"What? So when I wanna go help out Jacob you try to tell me no, but now that we have Nathaniel here, you bring him in without a second thought? What, is he your long lost brother? Come on! You don't even wanna save Taylor! Yeah, he might be an asshole, but he's the closest friend I have! And you don't care about trying to go find him." I shot back.
"I know where he is."
I turned around. It was Nathaniel who spoke.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"They have him in the cliffbase they have. I don't know what they're doing, but that's where he is." He took a breath. "I'm not sure what's happening. All I knew is that Darkmatter was the reason for me being alive. But apparently... that's not true. I mean I'll help you if you want. Join your little group thing. But only because I need answers, and you're the closest thing I have to them."
It was hard to believe him. It almost sounded like he made it up off the top of his head. It could've been some BS story of him looking for answers, but maybe it wasn't. I had my memories of Colin stolen. Maybe he had his life stolen. Hell, it almost happened to me. Suddenly I was calm again.
"Fine... sorry" I looked over to Colin. "What about Taylor?"
"Let's discuss things first, okay? You're the only one who knows the full story. We need help, because otherwise we will die. I don't even know how much time we have left. Things are not going our way at all. That tornado, well, if what you guys said about that Natural D guy, then we have more than just Darkmatter to be scared over."

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