Chapter 15

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I took a step back, up against the wall of a building to try and regain my composure. The real enemy we were facing was Shade, not Darkmatter, and I was the only one who knew that. On top of that, the fact he could crush the building so easily showed he was holding back, for whatever reason, when he was fighting us. We had no hope to stop him.
"How the hell did that even happen!?" Jacob shouted out into the empty area around us.
"It doesn't matter," I said to him. "Let's just get the thing we need, and leave."
I felt about ready to have a mental breakdown, but I knew I had to prevent one from happening. I felt hollow, and for no apparent reason. Normally you would feel empty if you were depressed, or just got out of some crazy situation, but no. It was just something about Shade that sucked the life out of me and left me ready to break into pieces.
"About that. What are we even looking for exactly?" He contended.
"Just follow me," I said, feeling anger already fester inside of me.
I began to run towards the wall at full speed. It was at least half a mile away, and I didn't want to waste any time. I didn't know why I wanted to get there. Colin explained it as a way to stop Darkmatter. For all I knew, it could help Shade. I could feel my anger fuel my running. I didn't even know why I was angry in the first place. There was no reason for it. Shade just acted in such a way that made me mad. I wanted to shout out, angry at the world as if I had just lost a loved one. I just ran faster. It had nothing to do with Shades plan, in fact, having Darkmatter control the world was a worse fate than having all of the human race wiped out. It wasn't his mentality, because once again, it's much better than Darkmatter's, who as he explained, is fueled only by revenge. Was it the fact that he explained what he wanted to me? That he was so confident in killing every human on earth, that he didn't care about leaking his needed information? Or was it something to do with me? He saw me as an important tool that could help him with killing the human race. It was something based on that, but like always, it wasn't explainable. I would always freak out about something super minor, with no reason to at all. Something that shouldn't bother me, always would.

I stopped suddenly, having already reached the wall. The rage had suddenly vanished from my body as well. I stood still, shocked, having no idea what had just happened to my mind. It was like it had gotten corrupted.
"HEY!" Jacob barked at me, "I was calling to you and you wouldn't listen!"
I turned to him, not saying a word. I had blocked out everything while running. It was like I was displaced from the universe. It was just me and my thoughts. I couldn't even tell the amount of time that had gone by.
"Well anyway, what are we doing all the way over here?" Jacob asked me, surprisingly seeming to have already calmed down.
"Just call it a gut feeling, okay?"
I looked across the wall, and soon my eyes met with something interesting. All of the neon beams were leading to one thing---a small power box. I began walking towards it, Jacob following behind me. As I walked I began to realize my own stupidity. I was trusting Shade, some guy who had almost killed me and my friends only a few minutes prior.
You really are stupid. For all we know, whatever is in that box could be completely different than what Colin brought us to search for. And even if it is the same thing, Shade just told you where it is. Why would he do that unless it would cause something to help him?
I stopped, having reached the box. Opening it, and taking whatever was inside could be disastrous, do some good and help us stop Darkmatter, or as Shade said, do nothing at all. Even if it could help us stop Darkmatter though, would it even matter if Shade was going to kill him anyway? What would stop Darkmatter cause except for speeding up Shade's plan to restart the world?
I turned away from the box, facing Jacob.
"Come on, we're leaving," I said, trying to sound in command, but failing miserably.
"What do you mean? There's no doubt whatever we're looking for is in that box."
I stopped, trying to think up a counter argument. I opened my mouth, but before I could speak, a familiar voice spoke from behind me. It was Colin.
"So Taylor isn't with you?" He said, sounding a slight bit worried.
"No," I began as I turned around, "was he not-" But before I could finish he slammed his hand into the wall, and I could almost hear him curse under his breath.
He sighed angrily before speaking. "Okay, look, we have to go now. When I say, run as fast as you can towards that wall. This is a big winning point for us because we'll have taken away DarkMatters power to make an army."
I looked over to see him reach into the box and before I could react, he pulled out a small skinny tube with black liquid inside of it.
"Now run!" He yelled as he threw the tube onto the ground, breaking it.
Suddenly the neon lights all around the city went out, leaving only a dim red light around all four walls on. My vision darkened making it harder to see, but quickly adjusted to the red glow. I began running, mostly out of fear, confused about what was happening. Suddenly a giant rumble shook throughout the city. I looked out as far as I could with the dim light and saw the roof of the cave begin to crumble down. Huge stalactites began falling through the air and crashing into buildings.
What did Colin just do?
I kept running, feeling my heart beat in my chest. I could feel the ground rumble with each step I took. Finally, we seemed to reach the wall. Colin slapped his hand against a button placed on the wall of the cave, and makeshift stairs began to grow out of the wall, leading to the exit. Colin and Jacob began to run up them, and I followed, not daring to look down at the destruction below my feet.

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