Chapter 8

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I ran into the treehouse, almost tackling Taylor in the process. At first, I was confused, but it didn't take me long to figure out that I had been shot at.
"What the hell!?" Taylor complained
I had trouble trying to explain, in a small bit of shock. "G-gun. Someone- someone shot at me." I said in between shaky breaths. Colin immediately reached into his pocket, pulling out his retracted scythe. He flicked his wrist and his scythe detracted while his cloak formed around his body. He ran out the door motioning for us to follow. I stood up shakily and forced myself to chase him out the door, Taylor close behind. I vaulted myself over the railing, landing on the ground before rolling to break my fall. I already knew simple tricks like those, but now it seemed I would do them whenever the need came. I ran forward, following Colin through the trees. As I ran I noticed more bullets fly into the ground near me. I picked up my speed, letting my senses take over. The bullets were coming from our right, which meant we were either running in the wrong direction, or Colin's main focus was escaping. Whoever was shooting at us found us a quarter mile into the forest which means escaping would only delay them from finding us again. Running and hiding had no use, so we had to take care of whoever was after us. I turned to my right, running straight for the person responsible for this attack, without alerting anyone to follow. I noticed that the shots became quicker, and still the only sound I heard were the bullets hitting the ground. There was no doubt this person had a suppressor. I picked up my speed, now moving back and forth from my right to left, trying to confuse whoever was shooting at me. Suddenly there was silence. All I heard were my own footsteps and breathing. I stopped and looked around. Nobody in sight.
I jumped back, realizing my mistake. If I stand still, I'd be an easy target. I turned around quickly facing the direction the bullets had all come from. I moved forward, keeping my speed at a medium, and making sure to stay behind trees as I ran forward. I kept running, step by step. I couldn't be that far away now. I heard a branch crack behind me, and I turned around quickly, almost falling over. All I was able to see was a figure in the dark as I was thrown to the ground. I tried moving, but the figure was holding me down.
"Hey. I wouldn't try that if I were you." A voice said. I heard the sound of a gun cocking. A sudden force pulled me up by my collar and swung me around. I felt a cold metal object press against the back of my head.
"Do anything I don't want, and I'll shoot." The voice said, seeming to have no emotion. "Now walk forward and turn when I say."
I began walking forward at a slow pace, trying not to freak out. Why did I have to be so stupid all the time? I could've at least thought things through.
Ha. You did it now. Who knows what trouble you've gotten yourself into this time.
Just shut up! Okay!? I can figure things out.
I took a deep breath and focused on my chances of escaping. Whoever it was behind me wasn't holding my hands. My arms were completely free.
"Go left"
I turned right.
"HEY! Are you stupid or something? I said left"
He still had the gun trained to my head. If I needed to get free, I would need to move fast. I took a step left and balled my hands into fists. Moving as quickly as I could, I turned myself around while ducking my head away from the gun. I heard a shot go off above my head, as I drove my fist into the person's chest. I flinched as my hand collided with solid metal. They were wearing body armor. I held my hand in pain as the person grabbed my arms.
"Okay," they said, "That's your last chance. You try anything you will die."
I needed to act quickly, but I felt trapped. Almost instinctively I leaned myself back, kicking the guy in the gut with the flat of my foot. The guy lost grip of my arms and fell onto the ground. I ran for it and hid behind some shrubbery. I was alone. I should've gotten Colin or Taylor to come with me, but no, I had to be an idiot.
I knew that when you're going against armor, nothing sharp would work. You needed brute force.
"C'mon. Hurry up. What kinds of things can you make??" I thought to myself. Suddenly the idea came to me. A mace. I could make a mace, right? I took a breath ducking lower to keep myself hidden and imagined a chain mace in my hand. I suddenly felt a force pull my hand to the ground. It worked. Now I just needed to find a way to use it and escape without getting shot. I heard the guy chuckle. "You act like you can hide. I have... good vision. I know where you are."
I held my breath and gripped the handle of the mace getting ready to act. I heard the leaves crunch as whoever was behind me grow closer. I focused on the sound of his footsteps, trying to estimate how close he was to me.
10 feet...
8 feet...
5 feet...
I took a breath waiting for the next step. It seemed to take an eternity, but I knew it was only in my mind. Finally, the sound of the leaves crunching came and I turned myself, side flipping over the bush. As I hit the ground I felt the tug of the mace as it swung towards the guy next to me. Suddenly the loud "clang" sound of metal hitting metal echoed through the air. Not letting my opportunity go to waste, I spun myself around, swinging my mace with me. Judging by the sound of impact, I guessed the guy was on the floor, so I aimed directly forward and towards the ground. I heard a loud metallic crunch as if I had just broken either the mace or his armor. I took a breath. They weren't getting up. I smirked a little. I actually did have the situation under control.
I heard another crunch of leaves to my left, and I turned around instinctively. I felt a sudden force hit my face and I stumbled backward, trying not to fall over.
"Next time," I heard a voice say, sounding a bit overconfident, "try to attack me, not one of my copies."
I felt another surprising force hit me in the jaw, knocking me to the ground. I looked up, still only able to see the outline of whoever was attacking me. They lifted up their arms, and threw them down, about to hit me again.
I gritted my teeth and grabbed whatever it was, inches away from my face. I watched as they lifted their arms up, and threw them down, attempting to ram whatever they were holding onto my face. I gritted my teeth and grabbed it, inches away from hitting my face. It was the armrest of the gun. I smirked, realizing my luck, and twisted the gun out of their hands. I twisted myself, kicking their legs out from under them, and pushed myself up off of the ground. I held the gun at their shadowy mass, still the only thing I could see.
Not taking my chances, but not wanting to kill them, I aimed at their leg, cocked the gun, and pulled the trigger. The gun made a sound, and nothing happened. It was jammed.
The guy grunted and I noticed that he was attempting to stand up. I grabbed the gun by the armrest and whipped them across their face with the barrel of the gun.
"I'm not letting you move," I said, trying to sound controlling. "Mind telling me what you're trying to do?"
"I had two choices. The first was to try and bring you back to DarkMatter," He replied quite quickly, "However if that didn't work out, I always have the choice to kill you."
The guy leaned back, and did a kip-up, landing back on his feet. Without giving me time to react he lunged at me knocking me to the ground. Letting the momentum carry me, I rolled back and launched myself back into the air with my hands, getting ready to fight. I wasn't going to let myself die. I slid back on the loose dirt, summoning a tomahawk into my right hand. We both locked eyes for a moment, and I noticed that his eyes were white. Not the way that he has no pupils or Iris', but the color of his Iris' were white.
He charged at me, running full speed. It was hard to tell in the dark, but as he ran I noticed a reflection of the moonlight moving with him. He had knives. I swung my foot around at him, but he easily dodged it. Doing a 360, I then whipped the blunt end of the tomahawk at him, barely getting a solid hit on him. He immediately swung his knives at me in retaliation. I put my arms up, trying to protect my face and chest, and I felt as each knife cut deep into my arm. I felt the blood pool out and I had to bite my lip to keep myself from screaming. Getting backed into a corner, I kicked my foot out, successfully hitting him in the chest. I fell back, and without giving him a chance to get back up, I struck him in the armpit with the tomahawk. He let out a wail, alerting me that I pierced his skin. I thanked myself for researching armor weak points back in grade school. Knowing I couldn't give him the upper hand, I pinned down his other arm, trapping him on the ground.
"Who even are you!?" I yelled at him, seeming to shake the forest as I did so.
"It's Seeker. I work for DarkMatter and am here to either capture or kill you. No questions asked. That's all I know, and that's all you will know."
I drove the tomahawk deeper into his arm and lifted myself off of him.
"This is to make sure you don't get back up." I said, staring at him. I gripped onto my tomahawk and hit his kneecap with the blunt end of it.
I heard him howl in pain and grab his leg, holding it to his chest in pain.
I stood up completely, brushing off any dirt on me, and ran off towards the direction Colin and Taylor went. I half regretted my decision of fighting him. Usually, I'd stay away from violence like that. I tried reassuring myself and saying how it was self-defense, which is exactly what it was. Either way, the guilt kept running through my brain.

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