Chapter 17

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The first thing I noticed after I opened my eyes was the taste of blood in my mouth. It was still windy and rainy, but it was way calmer than it was before. The tornado must've dissipated, or moved past. Getting up, I realized how soaked I was. Both in water as well as my blood.
My head pounded. Whatever hit me knocked me unconscious, meaning it must've hit me in the head as well.
A bunch of emotions swirled inside my head. I was never good with reality. I would always continue on, wanting to do something great, but never seeing real life as it was--real life. Reality would only hit me in waves, and when it did, it came at me strong. Enough to bring me into a pit of depression in seconds. This was one of those moments. My life in a whole had just flipped, and along with that, the only reason I wasn't dead on the ground was because of Darkmatter and whatever he had done to me. It was such a crazy coincidence like that which kept me alive but it also sent me down a road which had me searching for death. Even my odd dream of becoming some sort of hero made me feel insane, and I didn't even know the path I was going down. I felt like my brain was detached from my body. I tried ignoring the feeling of reality to continue on. I had a job to do. Or at least I felt like I did.

What even was it I was supposed to do? Colin had advertised it as being a hero, but it didn't feel like that was what was happening. It was like I had expectations for what it would be like. Maybe I did. I always told myself it was for helping others but was that really the only reason? Maybe all I wanted was a sense of adventure.

All of a sudden I realized that I had been standing still daydreaming in the middle of the aftermath of a tornado. I looked around, trying to see if I could spot anything. It was dark and combined with the ongoing rain, my vision was impaired, but with the sense of reality still going on, so did the reality of life. Life was one of the big impacts on me, and something that came with that was that I was always standing on the sidelines. But what could I do about it? I never saw someone that needed rescuing. Always just stories of escaping death. But now I was able to do what I wanted. I wasn't stuck on the sidelines anymore. I was right in the middle of the crazy. After a bit of looking around, I found the outline of a broken down building and jogged towards it, careful not to injure my legs, not knowing if they were fully healed, or if they were even damaged in the first place.
As I was reaching the building though, something hit the ground in front of me. It was ice. Was it more hail? Was the tornado still ongoing? Was it coming back around?
"Shit.." I cursed under my breath.
"Don't worry. It's only me." An unknown voice announced.
I spun around quickly to face whoever the voice belonged to.
Immediately something seemed off. The rain around him was calm compared to the flurry everywhere else. He was more visible than anything else in my vision. It was like the weather cleared up completely around him.
"I see that you're relatively uninjured." He said, "Accelerated healing?"
Somehow he knew about whatever was going on with the whole 'Darkmatter' issue. Instantly I guessed where he was from.
"Let me guess, you came to try and kidnap me again?"
"Right to the point I see." He said, "Well no, I'm here to kill you."
Suddenly he lunged at me, one arm out as if he was throwing a punch. I went to dodge, but he was too quick. An icicle formed in front of his hand, and I felt a searing pain as he stabbed it into my left shoulder.
I fall down from the force and land with a hard thud. He just stood above me, looking like a predator ready to finish off its prey.
"You can survive an EF4 tornado, but now you're struggling against me. And Dr.Da told me I wasn't ready to handle you guys yet."
I grunted and did a sweep kick, knocking him to the ground before propping myself up to a standing position. By the time I looked at him, he was already back on his feet, throwing another punch.
In a quick motion, I spun in a way so that he was now facing my side and I was just out of the way of his attack. Immediately I struck, forming a pair of kama, and positioning them behind his arm before tugging at it with the blades.
It was a stupid move, but I had no time to think. I pulled his arm in, but now I didn't have free room to fight back. Suddenly I felt a foot dig into my back, and I fell forward. I had to quickly move my Kama to keep from impaling myself as I hit the ground. I went to get back up, but I wasn't fast enough and he kicked me in the ribs. I rolled over, clenching my teeth. He stood above me like a shadow. It was like staring death in the face. For all I know I was.
Within less than a second, a light appeared and he seemed to get pushed to the side by some unknown force.
I didn't let my chance go to waste. I pushed myself up and looked around.
It was Jacob. He moved to fast for me to see, but he somehow knocked the other guy to the ground.
"Thanks," I said, just loud enough for him to hear.
The guy began to get up. "Very nice." He said in a sarcastic tone.
"Well? Who are you? I'm guessing you aren't just a normal person seeing as how the current situation is." Jacob replied.
"I'm Natural D. I summon Natural disasters, and can-"
Jacob was already laughing, and despite the serious situation, I was so close to laughing along.
"Seriously? Natural D? Whoever named you needs a rethink. The D is definitely not for disasters." Jacob said, trying to hold back more laughter.
"Well go say what you might, but that tornado, that killed at least 100. And I was in control of it. So no matter how stupid my name may be, it doesn't actually matter. We'll be back soon."
Right as he finished the sentence a bright light filled my vision, and I felt a sudden searing burn throughout my body. A loud crash echoed through the air which made my ears ring.
It was a lightning strike. I blinked, and I was on the ground. My vision was normal and I didn't feel any pain. Somehow, I was perfectly fine, as if nothing had happened. I could move, I was consciously thinking, and I wasn't in pain No negative effects.
Natural D was gone. It wasn't something I needed to complain about, seeing as him being gone most likely is the reason I'm still alive, but it gave me an uneasy feeling.
Jacob had a slight look of shock on his face. I guessed I had the same look. We were dealing with a much bigger problem then it seemed. On top of that, Shade was still out there. I was the only one to think he was the main problem. Along with it, Taylor was still in the hands of Shade, possibly even dead.
Then there was a gunshot.

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