Chapter 10

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I woke up, still feeling exhausted from the night prior. After I found Taylor and Colin, I explained to them what had happened. We went searching for the guy who attacked us but found no sign of him. Around midnight, we arrived back at the treehouse and ended up falling asleep. The treehouse was completely barren, apart from the three sleeping bags we created to sleep in, and a heavy duty flashlight in the corner to provide light since even in the day, the treehouse was completely dark. My body still ached from last night, but not as bad as I expected. I checked my arms where the man had cut me. They were almost completely clean, aside from light scars. I checked any other places I could reach that I had gotten wounds on. I had almost no marks anywhere. I didn't even have burn scars from the dragon. I must've had some sort of regeneration ability along with the power to conjure weapons. It was no wonder I was still alive after everything that had happened.
I looked over at Colin, who had seemed to also be awake. He was putting on a pair of AR goggles, holding the matter machine. I watched as a television set appeared in front of me.
"What now?" I asked.
He plugs the TV into some sort of box and it turns on.
"Well, it's not like we have security cameras to spot DarkMatter around the city. We wait until we find something on the news."
"You're kidding?" I asked, shocked and angry, "We know exactly where they are! We can go and stop them right now!"
I pause for a moment "Now that I think of it... Why didn't you just do that before!?"
He sighed "Do you have any clue how dangerous that is? I want to save the world. I can't do that if I do doing something so risky."
I balled up my fist. "Well, every second we're just waiting for him to show, it's a second he could just show up and kill random people! You wanted us to help you stop him from destroying the world, so why don't we do everything we can to kill him!?"
I stopped. KILL. Why did I use that word? I didn't want to kill anyone, even if they deserved it. I took a breath.
"Look. If your plan is just to wait for him to show up, then more people are going to die than necessary."
He stood up looking stressed. "Yeah. I know that, but if we do something stupid like barging into their bunker where they have complete control, we could die, and that means so will the rest of the world."
I sighed. He was right. There was no arguing.
"Alright... You're right" I admitted, looking over at the TV.
Almost as if planned, the commercials on the TV skipped over back onto the news. It displayed a pile-up of cars on an intersection. There was a kid lying in the middle of it, and about 10 feet in diameter away from him, there was no wreckage of any sort, as if he had some sort of forcefield around him. I looked at the screen, the kid had a familiar look about him. Suddenly I recognized him. It was Jacob.
I turned to Colin.
"We have to get him," I said with urgency. "He was on the field trip to the power plant, same as me and Taylor. He's gotta be in some sort of trouble."
Colin stood up, looking hesitant.
I stood up next to him and looked him in the eyes. "I mean, we need help to save the world from DarkMatter... don't we? He's probably on the run just like we were. We could help him, and he could help us."
The room grew completely silent apart from the television and an occasional outside noise. I locked eyes with Colin, waiting for his answer. Whether or not he agreed to go get him, I was going to find Jacob. I wasn't the type to abandon my friends.
He nodded. "Fine. We'll go get him, but there's no saying that he's not under DarkMatter's control, so you have to be wary."
I nodded and ran over to Taylor's sleeping bag, shaking him awake. He punched me in the chest, causing me to fall backward.
"The hell was that for?" I questioned him, trying to catch my breath.
"The hell was waking me up for!?" He demanded, looking like he was about to punch me again.
I nodded and stood up. "Okay. Fair point, but we need to leave back to the city."
"And exactly how will we get there?"
"What? You think I walked everywhere?" Colin interrupted "The matter machine can create anything, including vehicles. Come on. If we want to get there in time, we need to go now."
I watched as Colin ran out the door jumping off the ledge and onto the ground. He seemed hesitant before, but now it seemed like he was ready for whatever could happen. I heard the static like noise of the matter machine outside before turning to Taylor.
"Come on man, let's go."
Without a second thought, I ran right out the door and did a vaulted myself off the railing. As I did this I turned myself in mid-air, catching myself back on the railing, dangling above the ground by one hand. I looked down. There was an offroad Jeep Wrangler already waiting, and I let go of the railing, dropping into a seat. Taylor followed after me. He jumped down towards it, standing up and holding onto the railing coming off the back of the Jeep. The engine roared to life and the vehicle flew down the non-existent road.
I watched as trees passed us at amazing speed. The Jeep wheels kicked up leaves, leaving a trail of empty ground behind us. I grabbed the left railing and stood up, feeling the wind fly against my face. Adrenaline was already pumping through my veins as the Jeep flew through the forest. I could see an opening of light as we neared the exit of the woods.
"Get ready!" Colin announced.
All of a sudden I felt the Jeep lift into the air. I barely kept my hold on the metal bar as I flew out into the air. The Jeep slammed as it returned to the ground. My body slammed into the back of the vehicle, almost making me let go. Instead, I steadied myself, leaning off of the Jeep, holding myself up with the metal rod to keep myself from falling. I noticed that we were driving down pavement now. We were back in the city, now we just had to find the intersection where the crash was. The news station said that it was nearby, so it shouldn't be that hard to find. I listened out over the rumble of the engine. Right on queue, I heard a couple police sirens rush down to road directly behind us.
"That way!" I shouted to Colin as I pointed down the road I heard the police sirens go down.

The Jeep drifted 180 degrees and flew down the road following the sirens. We were going the exact same speed as the cop cars, flying down the road. Luckily they didn't slow down or curve around to stop us, even if by trailing them we were breaking the law.
The smell of gas and fire filled the air alerting us that we were close.
Then the horrific sight appeared over the horizon. Some people were helping others who were trapped under rubble while others ran away. They weren't just running away from the destruction though. There was a dark purple cloud of mist floating through the air. It was all compact into a small space, hovering a few inches off the ground, and just the size to fit a person in. I knew right away it was DarkMatter. It was like something in my mind alerted me it was him. The Jeep picked up speed, racing down the road, flying right past the police cars.
The dark cloud approached Jacob, who was still lying on the ground. I couldn't just watch as this man took Jacob, one of my first friends, to wash away all of his life like he never existed. Without thinking, I jumped out of the Jeep and flew through the air. I flipped myself over, bringing my feet first right into the cloud concealing DarkMatter. The sound of a metal clang echoed through the air and I kicked myself off of DarkMatter who landed on the ground. Not wasting time I ran towards Jacob, who was struggling to stand. I picked him up over my shoulder and ran towards the Jeep which had stopped moving and was parked by the side of the crash. Colin was out of the Jeep. I looked back and saw him, holding his scythe to DarkMatters neck. I ran faster towards the Jeep and dropped Jacob in the back seat. Taylor was already climbing out and heading towards the center of the intersection, where Colin was keeping DarkMatter pinned against the ground. I followed him, curious about what was going on, even though I already knew what was happening. As I reached Colin and Taylor, DarkMatter began to become blurry, before disappearing, leaving a hollow metal skeleton. It was a hologram of DarkMatter, with a robot to carry out the actions. Colin sighed and looked down.
"Hey guys" Taylor whispered. "We should probably get going."

I looked around, and everyone seemed to be staring at us. I walked back to the Jeep, not making a noise, and just facing straight ahead. We saved Jacob. For now, that's all the mattered to me. He was my friend ever since 1st grade, and he was safe. I hopped into the Jeep next to Jacob. All the people around the place were just staring at us. Were we that weird of a sight?
"Hey. What are you three up to?" One of the cops called out. I took a hard breath and looked at the front of the Jeep. Colin was already in the driver's seat, turning the key.
"Hey! You're too young to be driving"
Suddenly the engine roared to life and the Jeep blasted forward. Sirens blared to life behind us and began to grow louder. Well, that's just perfect. We were in the middle of a police chase. I turned to Taylor. It seemed he had the same idea as me because I watched as balls of fire flew out of his hand and onto the road. The cops cars screeched to a halt, nearly hitting the wall of flames Taylor created. The Jeep flew forward straight towards the woods where we had built our treehouse. The Jeep bounced back into the woods and I turned my attention onto Jacob, who was now sitting down, but looking like he was deciding whether he should jump out of the Jeep and run, or fight us.

"Jake. Calm yourself. I don't know what the hell you've been through, but calm down."
He looked at me and stared for a few seconds. He looked at me confused before opening his mouth.
"Chris, what the hell did you do?"
I laugh a bit. "And again you blame me. Look, knowing you, you aren't going to participate with us, but for once listen for a second. If you don't stick with us, both you, and your family could die."
"Is that the type of prank you're pulling on me? Drugging me on a field trip and making me do what you say while threatening my family? Seriously!?"
"I'm not the threat!" I shout at him, regretting it the moment I do. "The guy who blew up the power plant. He's the threat. He's the cause of this whole situation. This right here Jacob, is a real situation."
I saw him clench his fists as he sat up. Usually, he was the type to joke around a lot, but I've never seen him in an actual serious situation before. He was like a different person.
"Well, what exactly is it you're doing then?"
"Taking you somewhere safe. At least until we're done with DarkMatter"

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