Chapter 6

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All the dragons were gone, but all the destruction remained. How many casualties were there? It seemed like the whole city was destroyed, yet it was only a small portion. Every step I took seemed to cause more pain. I shook it off seeing Taylor on the ground struggling to stand. I ran over to him, sliding down by his side. He groaned slowly getting up.
"What...the hell..?"
I grabbed his hand, helping him up.
"We have to find Colin. Now."
I motioned him to follow me and ran down the broken city path. The sun was already setting, as the sky was orange, and mixed with the yellow and orange glow of the fire burning in the city. There was a sudden rush of wind and all the fire blew out like magic. I froze and turned around, seeing Colin land on the ground behind Taylor and me.
"Wait..did you do that?" I asked kinda shocked. He nodded and took off his hood, turning away. He began to walk away and held up a hand, motioning for us to follow. I ran up next to him.
"Come on. What are you doing? First, you asked us to risk our lives and now you want you to follow you to some random place?" I said, almost screaming
He stopped and turned to me. "You want to go home, don't you?"
I nodded.
"Then follow me, both of you"
Taylor and I followed Colin down to another subway, rushing down the steps. As he began to run, so did I. He jumped over the turnstile, and I did the same, hoping Taylor was close behind. I ran full force, trying not to lose Colin and get lost. I was putting my faith in him, even though I had just met him, but then again, he did save my life. He jumped down onto the track. He must've either been crazy or known exactly what he was doing if he was jumping on the track. He could be planning to trick us and get my and Taylor in a small dark place, but it seemed I had no other choice but to trust him. I jumped down and turned around waiting for Taylor.
"Hold up, what are we even doing?" He asked as he reached the ledge.
Colin stopped and turned around "we're getting you guys home, remember? Oh, and don't worry about the trains, they should be closed after the attack above."
I began following Colin again and heard the sound of Taylor's feet hitting the ground as he jumped. Everything was completely silent, there wasn't even a single sound. As we went further down the subway tunnel the lights went out leaving us in complete darkness.
"Did anyone care to bring a flashlight?" I asked almost sounding sarcastic.
"No..but I think...I might.." A surge of light suddenly appeared behind me, lighting the path in front of us. I turned around seeing a flame covering the length of Taylor's arm. I looked at him surprised.
"Doesn't that hurt!?" I asked shocked.
He shook his head no, and we continued following the subway tunnel.
After about 5 minutes I grew tired of the silence. I looked at Colin.
"Hey, you gonna explain what's happening anytime soon?"
He grunted, "What do you want to know about?"
"You know. What's up with this DarkMatter guy? What do you have to do with this?"
He went silent for a little bit before answering. According to what he had said, he was the first attempt to make a bioweapon. Not just some virus, but an actual human weapon that they could control. That was their big plan. DarkMatter was abandoned as a baby and constantly traveled between foster homes. He was mentally and physically abused by his many foster families. One day though, his foster home caught on fire. He tried to escape through a window but was the only survivor. There he was found by Dr.Da. I laughed a bit hearing the name. Dr.Da took him to some research lab where he raised DarkMatter as his own child. Dr.Da was the wrong person to rescue him though. He was insane, and didn't rescue him for the good of helping. He was trying to create darkness. Pure Darkness. Dr.Da saw DarkMatter as his test subject. The idea was it would suck the life essence out of DarkMatter, and use it to create the pure darkness for Dr.Da. The experiment failed and almost left DarkMatter dead. It was discovered later that Dr.Da's experiment was almost a success. The darkness was inside of DarkMatter, and it was the reason he was still alive. DarkMatter and Dr.Da are now after more energy to give the Darkness within DarkMatter more power. With DarkMatter's past and the darkness inside him, he has no sense of human decency, and only enjoys watching torture, death, and destruction. DarkMatter and Dr.Da plan to use kids, specifically teens which are apparently easier to control, to bring destruction to the world. Colin, or Soul, as he calls himself, was the first test to take control of the brain. Luckily Colin was able to escape, and ever since then, has been fighting DarkMatter in secret. Everyone who ever knew him had lost all memory of him ever existing, even his parents. At some point, due to Colin's escape, the plan was altered. Dr.Da also ended up creating entities and is currently practicing the creation of human beings. The figures Taylor and I encountered where one of the first successful tests runs, and the power plant explosion was one of the last kidnappings DarkMatter and Dr.Da had done. They had decided that the many disasters they used to cover up the kidnappings were going to cause people to link them together, so they altered the plan. Once they learned how to create human beings, they would have the power to create an OP being that could destroy the world and was under their control.
"Okay, we're here," Colin said suddenly, stopping in his tracks. He walked over to the wall of the subway tunnel and pulled on some handle. A small doorway opened up revealing a room similar to the one that Taylor and I found in Atlantic City.
I stepped inside. "And how exactly do you manage to build these underground bunkers?"
"Same way Dr.Da and DarkMatter made their base in a cliff" Colin began "It's called a matter machine. It can shrink down matter and gather it up, and later disperse that matter and create things with it.. It can also do it simultaneously. I stole it from them back when I escaped, along with this" He pulled a curtain down, revealing a small box and a neon pink-purple lighting emitting from it. "It's a portal. Though everything I have told you about sounds like science-fiction, it's all real, and so is this. It's another creation made by Dr.Da which I have been using to my advantage. This one hooks up to one near what used to be my house. We should be able to get you guys to your families in time if we use this."

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