Chapter 12

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I jogged down the stairs, close behind Colin and Taylor.

And what the heck is Galactica again? Jacob called out, following from behind me.

It's a lost city. Has anyone ever heard of the Silurian theory? Colin answered as he jumped into the Jeep.

You mean the one based on other civilizations before humans? Taylor asked.

Colin nodded and I jumped into the passenger seat of the Jeep.

Well that theory is real, He told us, And at one point, they were still alive with the rest of humanity, they just hid underground inside of a city the had built underground. It's even safe against earthquakes and flooding. However, they were unable to rise to the surface since the air had become toxic to them. Their technology was amazing, but eventually DarkMatter found it and wiped out the rest of their existence, rendering them extinct.

I forgot all about it until now, but for all we know it could be another hide out for them. DarkMatter hid something there a while ago, and if we can get our hands on it, we can get the upper hand on him.

Just as Colin finished talking, he slammed on the gas pedal and the Jeep flew forward, flying through the woods once again. I started to think about what Colin had said. An actual high tech civilization. What kind of things did they create? Why did they hide underground? I shook my head. It wouldn't matter now. I just had to focus on the present. If they were all extinct, I wouldn't have to worry about their problems.

I turned over to Jacob. He was looking at his hands, trying to figure out his new powers.

After explaining DarkMatters plan to him, specifically the part with giving kids powers, he was just looking at himself weirdly.

Turning back towards the road, I felt the air rush against my face, the Jeep being one of those that have a removable windshield, windows, and roof. I felt as the Jeep screeched and curved down onto a road. Even though I was in danger at every moment because of DarkMatter, I couldn't help but smile. I felt alive. I felt like I was being my age for once and doing what I want with my friends.

The Jeep curved down onto an empty dirt road that I have never seen before, and zoomed down the flat terrain. Then it came into view. The cave was small, and looked pretty much man-made. I tried looking at the detail of it, seeing if I could spot anything weird about it as we moved closer, but it just looked like a bunch of rocks glued together.

All of a sudden the Jeep flew into the air, flipping around before crashing back to the ground. I was on the ground now. I tried getting up, but I felt almost incapable of moving. I blinked a bit, trying to regain my vision. My head began to pound as I started to regain control of myself from the initial shock of the incident. I tried standing up again, only being able to kneel before hitting on of the Jeep seats. I was trapped underneath the Jeep. I needed to get out.

As my vision slowly cleared, I was able to make out more of my surroundings, more specifically, which way the light was coming from. I crawled toward it, trying to get out from underneath the Jeep. All my senses were numb, except for the pounding on my skull. As I poked my head outside of the Jeep, the light consumed my entire vision. I forced myself to crawl away from the Jeep, not know if it would be dangerous. Slowly, I felt the rest of my body begin to hurt as I regained my senses. My legs, arms, and chest were in extreme pain, keeping me from standing up. I got a heavy weight on my tongue in the back of my mouth, causing me to want to vomit.

Whatever had flipped the Jeep was most likely a threat, but I was stuck on the ground unable to stand. I couldn't just stay laying down helplessly. I had to do something. My bones aching, I forced myself to stand. As my vision became more clear, I could see more things, including a shadowy figure standing in place a few feet away from me. I grit my teeth, and took a step back. I quickly turned around to see Colin, Taylor, and Jacob on the other side of the Jeep, struggling to stand, just as I was earlier. Whereas I was stuck in the Jeep, they looked like they had been thrown out when it flipped.

I quickly turned back around, remembering about the figure standing there. He was walking towards me now, looking like he was ready to fight. His face came into view as he grew closer. He had black hair, purple eyes, and was giving me a look like I had killed his entire family. He had a deep purple mist-like aura surrounding his entire body, which had made him look like a blank figure. Then I noticed his hands. He was carrying two machetes. It was Shade.

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