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Sorry this is not an imagine update, but it's an update that I would like all my readers to read and understand.

Another long break from writing imagines for you all is coming up and I feel I should let you all know why I am not updating anymore. Please understand this is for my benefit, and I am doing this for me.

Recently I haven't been feeling myself or up to doing anything, I haven't been interested in life really. Because of this downfall and uninterest in anything has lead me to start failing my class, which is bad of me. Now that I have started to fail classes, I need to focus all my attention on passing them. Writing this book will be put on hold until further notice, when will I update again? I do not know.

But another main reason to why I am taking a break is because I have noticed my work is going unappreciated. What I mean by this is that I have noticed there are people out there who have taken ideas I have worked so hard on coming up with, and not give me credit and claim it as their own. I write for you guys and I love doing it, but when I see this happening and people 'stealing' my work, it makes me wonder is it worth it when people do this? I knew the risk when I started writing, but I never thought it would happen. So because of this, I wont be updating because I do not want my work to be taken by others and claimed as their own. I hope you all understand.

I do apologize for doing this, but please understand I am doing this for me and my health as well.

I do have some exciting ideas for imaging coming up and I wish I could write them, but I am scared people will take them. So for my benefit, I wont be writing them until I feel I am ready.

Well, this is it. I hope you guys understand. See you soon!


HOCKEY IMAGINES: BOOK 2 // REQUESTS CLOSEDWhere stories live. Discover now